Five on Friday: Sleep thoughts

One of my New Years Goals was to journal daily, and I’ve successfully been doing that! I use the LiveJournal platform where I actually have a permanent account. Back in the early 2000s, I jumped on an offer for a permanent account, and I’ve NEVER regretted that purchase.

As part of going back to journaling, I’ve been reintroduced to some groups on there that I’ve missed. One of which is the Friday Five.  I thought for giggles, I’d play along this week right here on Musician’s Widow…

1. How many hours of sleep do you like to get in a night?

I always prefer to get 8 hours when possible. I’ve lately been getting between 6 or 7. In college I could function days on end with only 4 hours of sleep a night. Today? I can do that maybe one night and then that’s it. I need to catch up.

2. How many hours of sleep can you survive on indefinitely?

Five or six. I guess.

3. Do you enjoy napping?


4. The average amount of time it takes a person to fall asleep is seven minutes–do you tend to need more or less time than that?

More time for sure. I have to be absolutely 100% exhausted to fall asleep fast.
5. If you were offered a pill that would enable you to sleep only two hours out of every twenty-four and remain fully functional, but you could never sleep more than that, would you take it?

I would heavily consider it, but I am sure I’d turn it down. Sleep is a time to rejuvenate and reset. Sleep is a time to calm yourself. I think only two hours of sleep would not be enough to do that properly.