Category Archives: Uncategorized

Bloggers block

I have a serious case of bloggers block this week. All the prompts in the world won’t help me when this happens.

My problem right now is that I have a couple of topics I want to write about as a writer… I’m just not entirely sure I want to write my thoughts as just me. There are certain lines and topics I strive to avoid in general — primarily because I haaaaaaaaaaaate drama and I don’t feel I’m a really great debater. So I avoid instead.

However, in the world today there are so many things that I feel frustrations towards and just want to say how I feel about them. It’s that frustration that is stopping me from blogging about other, more fun, topics.

So I guess what I am saying is: I’m frustrated with my frustration!

I think I need a drink. ;)


Merry Christmas

2012-12-23 22.39.33

Wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas!! I’ve been MIA here, because I am enjoying time with my family. Taking a short hiatus, I suppose, from blogging to live in the moment of every day I have with them.

Christmas Eve is my favorite day of the holiday season. The preparing for the next day. Midnight mass. Food. Lots of food. The anticipating growing every second. I love it!! My husband commented that I’ve been dancing around the house all day… and I have! I’m happy! It’s CHRISTMAS!

My wish for everyone is simply this: peace and love this Christmas. If you’re surrounded by family or if you’re home alone… no matter what, I have you find peace and joy in Christmas in general.

God Bless and Merry Christmas!

