I think Halloween is a holiday I’ve grown to enjoy more now as an adult than I did as a kid.
I enjoy giving out candy… seeing what little ones dress up as. Such a mix of kids!! Witches, reapers, goblins, cops, princesses and penguins to name a few. SO CUTE!
Its so good to see families out together, as well. Some family time is rare in this day and age.
I enjoy dressing up myself… being a kid myself for a day. Or just being something I’m not. Stepping out of my comfort zone while still saying comfortable in the knowledge that its a night that doing so is expected.
I’ve grown to really like spooky things. My favorite TV shows include Ghost Whisperer, Medium, Ghost Hunters, Paranomal State, etc. I like to be spooked. It is an adrenaline rush!
Finally… there’s just something fun about the day in general. Its all it encompasses in one big Halloween package. It’s not the candy any more. Its the experience of the night/day. I like it!
Happy Halloween!!
Plus, you look hot all spooky. ;-)
Happy Halloween!