My dumbest phobia

Telephone phobia (telephonophobia, telephobia) is reluctance or fear of making or taking phone calls, literally, “fear of telephone”. (From Wikipedia)

Yup. That’s me. You’d be surprised how hard I have to psych myself up to make a phone call. I am not as bad about taking phone calls, but there’s that issue, too. I have to REALLY know the person on the other end of the line to be okay with talking on the phone in general.

I did a Google search for “fear of making a phone call” figuring I wouldn’t find anything. Much to my surprise, there are a lot of web-sites out there about it! Even some self-help sites to help people get over it. Suddenly, I don’t feel so weird to be like this.

The invention of the Internet and text messaging was made for someone like me. In fact I wonder if the inventors of the Internet were fellow telephonophobics. And text messaging is like a blessing. I’m never without my cell phone specifically because text messaging rocks so hard. I wish I could text for everything. I imagine some things would go like this:

Me to doctors office: “Hey, I need an appointment. What do you have?”
Doc: “How is Friday at 11. Be here by 10:45.”
Me: “Cool. I’m there. Thanks!”

Or maybe:

Me to restaurant: “What are your hours?”
Restaurant: “11am to 2 pm”
Me: “I need a reservation for 4 at 6 pm. Name, Musicians Widow.”
Restaurant: “Gotcha! See you then!”

Yeah… you can give your cell number to vendors and let them text you specials, etc. That’s not the kind of thing I am talking about (and its also something I steadfastly refuse to do). No, I mean the things that are two minute conversations and not a big deal…


The last time I had a doctor’s appointment, it took me ten minutes to talk myself into dialing the number. That is not a lie or exaggeration! If I make a call and my husband or my parents are around, I’ll quiz them for a long time after I hang up as to, “Did I do okay?”

Like I said, I don’t let my “phobia” hold me back (much), but its definitely something I want to work on and totally rid myself of having. Or, if I don’t rid myself of it, I was to at least take my psych-up-time down to 30 seconds versus 10 minutes.

Any words of wisdom out there? Anyone have any advise? Or… better yet… does anyone else deal with this, too? Talk to me! (Just don’t call me… ha!)

2 thoughts on “My dumbest phobia”

  1. You most definitely are not alone! Although, my telephobia is one symptom of my AvPD (I still think I have SAD, although the doc said AvPD. ha), I can definitely empathize! It can take me days or weeks to muster up the courage to pick up the phone and call my hair dresser for an appointment — and I’ve been going to him for 20 years now & consider him a friend.

    I agree on the internet. I love that I can do so much over it. It’s enabled me to reconnect with a lot of people, meet a lot more, and basically just keep in touch easily without the need for a phone. I’m online practically 24/7, and I constantly have my cell with me for texts & emails. A few of my doctors even have it set up now that you can request an appointment online – they’ll either email you back, or they’ll call you to confirm a date/time. Lifesaver! ;)

    I wasn’t always terrified of the phone, and I’m not sure what triggered it. I’ve always been socially awkward though, and the phone definitely plays into that nowadays. Haha. I can stress for eons over a simple 2 minute exchange at the grocery store. Simply responding “You too!” to a clerk when they say “Have a great day, and come back again” will make me kick myself for days. Since I worry & panic thinking they think I’m stupid for saying “you too” when they told me to ‘come back’… when I meant it to the ‘have a great day’ part.

    Hmm. I should probably stop here. I could go on for days when it comes to telephones & in-person phobias. :[

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