Tag Archives: aggies

Five on Friday: Important happenings right now

My jaw hurt all day yesterday. I eventually realized it was tension and stress related, because the pain faded the closer I got to Texas and much-needed weekend AWAY from Nashville…


1. back#SavePrintersAlley — This endeavor has taken on a life all its own. I’m amazed by the support its gotten from people around the world, and the people who are behind us as we fight to save our home-away-from-home. I’ve not been as active in this as I would really and truly like to be, simply because I have SO MUCH already on my plate. But this has taken a high, high precedence over almost everything else because it means so very much to me. I even went on TV for an interview with the local FOX affiliate! I’d never been on TV before! But I couldn’t imagine a better cause to speak out about, and I’m really proud of myself for doing it.

What can YOU do to help? Go like our Facebook page. Order t-shirts off SavePrintersAlley.com. And FOLLOW me on Facebook where I too will share updates and what events are planned to bring awareness to the Alley’s fight.

2014-07-23 11.35.05


2. #CASAgolf The 8th Annual ACC vs SEC Alumni Golf Tournament benefiting CASA Nashville will be held at Gaylord Springs Golf Links on Friday, August 8, 2014. I don’t know a damn thing about golf, but I know this tournament has become VERY near and dear to my heart since last year. I love everyone I work with on this tournament. I love the cause. Now I just want to see it be super successful and have lots of Aggies attend. I’m not too concerned about the first, but not sure the last will happen. But I keep trying and hoping maybe we’ll have a good showing. I guess I’ll find out on August 8th.

How can YOU help? Come sign up to play! Or perhaps you have a business willing to sponsor the event. Or at least come for dinner! All the details are available on the event website at http://accsecnashville.com/

280: CASA golf
The 2013 Tournament Dinner


3. Aggie Family Picnic. We’re holding our first ever Aggie Family Picnic in a few weeks. I’m super excited about this, but due to all I have on my plate I’ve had to step back and be somewhat hands-off on the planning. Well, at least in theory I’ve been. But I’m too wrapped up in the club and it means too much to me to be completely, “Hey I’m just going to show up. Y’all figure it out.”  I’m super excited about it, but also super stressed about it going well.



4. Finances. I’m working on getting all our ducks in a row to get a pre-approved for a mortgage to finally buy our own house. It’s been a long time coming and I finally feel confident and comfortable with making this happen. But since so much of my income is cash-basis its a stressful and daunting task and could take awhile. But I am up for it now that I know what they need from me.


5. Tour season. My husband is SUPER busy touring right now, which makes me more determined to stay extra active with Road Widows. We’ve slowed down a bit — we’re ALL busy — but its so very, very important to me to see this blog and community thrive no matter how crazy our individual lives get. Because we all need each other!


Honorable mention: I finally got below 160 lbs this week! I’ve only been shooting for that since June. Now on to the new goal of 150 lbs. I can do it much better and with more knowledge thanks to my Fitbit! I had no idea I was so sedentary… now I focus on moving around more and its really starting to make a difference!


Aggie Muster 2014

I. Love. Aggie. Muster. Even more, I love telling people about Muster and why it, in my opinion, sets my university head and shoulders above the rest. Forget football. Forget national championships. Forget all the research and medical advances being done. Remember the PEOPLE. Remember the SPIRIT.

Middle Tennessee Aggie Muster attendees
Middle Tennessee Aggie Muster attendees

Aggie Muster lands every April 21st. It’s a day in which Aggies gather all around the world — including on military bases during times of war — to visit with each other, remember our times at A&M, and at the pinnacle of the event, call the roll of Aggies who have passed away over the last year. As the names are called, they are answered with a “Here” as their spirit is always present in our hearts.

From the Aggie Traditions website:

Still remembering and honoring the time spent in Aggieland, the tradition of mustering has grown in strength, meaning, and spirit. By 1929, meeting had grown worldwide, and in 1942 Aggie Muster gained international recognition. Twenty-five men, led by General George Moore ’08, mustered during the Japanese Siege of the Philippine island of Corregidor. Knowing that Muster might soon be called for them, these Aggies embodied the essence of commitment, dedication, and friendship- the Aggie Spirit. They risked their lives to honor their beliefs and values. That small group of Aggies on an outpost during World War II inspired what has developed into one of our greatest traditions.

Muster is celebrated in more than four-hundred places world wide, with the largest ceremony on the Texas A&M campus in College Station. The ceremony brings together more Aggies, worldwide, on one occasion than any other event.

Some day my name will be called and answered with a, “Here.”

If that’s not a staggering and humbling realization, then you just don’t GET it.

Calling the roll, Adam Beloney '03 & Greg Dew '80
Calling the roll, Adam Beloney ’03 & Greg Dew ’80

We have a saying at Texas A&M, “Once an Aggie, always an Aggie.” Aggie Muster really embodies that fact, as we pause to remember and reflect on this bond we share with other Aggies. It’s not just a diploma on the wall. It’s not just wearing something maroon and white. It’s not even our beloved Aggie Rings. It’s something so much more. It’s much deeper. Its respect. Dare I say, its about love of your fellow man. As the roll was called and Silver Taps was played, I looked around the room to see many tears being shed. Its overwhelming.

My turn to speak.
My turn to speak.

I’ve organized Muster for middle Tennessee since 2008. I do it because I love it that much. I stress and stress and stress over it, because I want it to be perfect. I can’t relax until we are done, because I feel like if something goes wrong its my fault. I want the spirits of those names we call and their families to know we love and respect them enough to give them a proper “send off.” Logically, I know that no one would hold it against me if something fell through, but in my heart I want it to go perfectly.

One of the biggest things is the guest speaker for each Muster. This year, we had Mike Flynt. His story inspired me when I heard it the first time, and I hope it inspired everyone else at Muster last night.

Mike Flynt
Mike Flynt

How can you not be inspired by a man who went back to college at the age of 59 to play his senior year of football? And who also has such a strong faith and belief in God? I’m still on a high from last night.

So forgive me if I happen to think my university is a little better than the rest. Forgive me if I get fighting mad when people “put down” Texas A&M based strictly on football. Because its so much more. Its so much deeper.

From the outside looking in, you can’t understand it. And from the inside looking out, you can’t explain it.

Gig’em and God Bless.