Category Archives: five on friday

Five on Friday: Oh so random

1. I haven’t written much this week, because… well… I just haven’t really had time. Between work, sleep and enjoying having my parents visiting, blogging has taken a backseat for a few days. Back in full-force next week, I promise I’m sure probably.

2. Yesterday, I had breakfast for supper. And it was all kinds of amazing.

2013-06-27 17

I ate about 90% of all that food. And I don’t feel the least bit guilty. So there.

3. When did I become a Gap girl? I’m seriously in love with their jeans. I just picked up two pair yesterday at 50% off. They’re long enough (!!!!), so freakin’ soft, and fit like they were made just for me. I am beyond giddy about my new purchase, and I’ll totally be rockin’ them today. And tomorrow. And the next day… and…

4. Yesterday, while downtown, I was sitting at a red light. (The corner of Church & 2nd in Nashville for those following along with their map.) My light turned green, and I took my foot off the break. In that instant, a kid that I’d guess to be in high school darted out in front of me to cross the street. Against the light. It had said “Don’t walk” for awhile, and he ran out just as I got the ride-of-way to go. Two of his friends, blindly ran out with him. One, as he got right in front of my truck (that I decided to just let continue to roll slowly… I was going uphill so it wasn’t fast) he realized how badly they’d all screwed up. Total light bulb moment. He waved an apology, and I just shook my head back at him. His buddy was lucky I saw him in my peripheral vision and didn’t gun it off the line. It could have been bad. YES! Yes, all you high school kids. That “Don’t Walk” sign exists for a reason. PAY ATTENTION!! You are NOT invincible.

5. I saw this in a friend’s bathroom yesterday. I had to take a photo of it… and I thought it was a perfect way to close this post…

229: Good morning


Five on Friday: This trip to Texas

This week has flown by… just like I knew it would.

1. Dental work is in a good place, and there’s actually some exciting stuff in the works. Looking at a little cosmetic work that wasn’t even on my radar! I’m curious to see what happens and where this goes.

2. Business meetings have been awesome. Going back to Nashville with a LOT of work to do… and I love that!

3. My brother’s family’s pets amuse me so. My niece’s cat has finally let me pet her, and their dogs make me wish I had a dog!


4. Got to eat at some of my favorite places in the area already. You know you gotta get good food when the opportunity presents itself!

5. It’s hot. Really hot. But its a Texas hot and somehow I handle that way better than a Nashville hot.
