Category Archives: NaBloPoMo

Catching up with #NaBloPoMo

If you follow me on Instagram (and if you don’t, seriously, why aren’t you?) you’ve noticed a daily post tagged #NaBloPoMo. This month’s theme has been “Photo” and even when I might not have time to blog, I always have time to Instagram.

#NaBloPoMo for May 2nd photo prompt was "Your Passion." I would say this sums it up just fine.

A photo posted by Denise (@niseag03) on


I’ve missed a few writing prompts, like:

Do you think one side of your face photographs better than another? — Not necessarily. I do find I photograph my left side more often, but I think that’s just due to it being the side on which I part my hair.  Perhaps I should challenge myself to try to shoot from my right a little more in the future.


What is your favorite angle for being photographed? Head-on? Slightly above, below, to the side?  Absolutely above. I suspect most women will answer this way.  It is a great way to avoid a double chin, and it just seems to be far more pleasing to the eye to photograph from above.

I had a hard time getting a self-portrait recently until I realized I had my tripod set up too low. I was looking down ever so slightly, and it just threw the whole look off. As soon as I fixed the angle, the shot was a breeze.


How often are you in your photographs? I like to take selfies, yes. But I try not to go overboard with them either! Nothing drives me as batty as someone’s Instagram feed being nothing but selfies.

For this month and NaBloPoMo I am already seeing myself in my photos more than usual. I like it, but it also takes me out of a comfort zone in the same breath. It’s putting myself out there more. However, I’m enjoying the challenge of making these photos creative and different.


So we’re only a few days into this NaBloPoMo, and I’m determined to stick with it the entire month.  It’s not too late to join in the photo/blogging fun!

A photo posted by Denise (@niseag03) on


Five on Friday: May 1, 2015

Lets close out a week of photo sharing, and, in the same breath, open up May’s NaBloPoMo prompt of “Photos,” with five photos I haven’t shared here yet.



Nashville Skyline Sunset
My husband and I went down to the riverfront earlier this week so I could grab a new skyline photo. We were blessed with one of the most amazing sunsets I’ve seen in a long time. I’ve actually ordered a print of this image for myself, because it just keeps taking my breath away.


Scotty Alexander & Shane Sutton
I have very talented friends. Wednesday, my husband was supposed to play a gig with uber-talented friend, Scotty Alexander. However, my husband had to cancel to go drive tour bus instead. So, Scotty called fellow-uber-talented musician and friend Shane Sutton. I went down to see them play and was rightfully blown away.


Meet Mama Mockingbird. I got to meet her when I stumbled upon her nest full of hungry babies while trimming bushes. Needless to say that bush will just stay… well… bushy…. until they all grow up and move out.


Every year, I treat myself to a new hanging basket of flowers. Sometimes I treat myself to multiple new hanging baskets. My new addition for 2015 is this gorgeous red impatien. Nice pop of color to the front of my house!


Today’s NaBloPoMo opening topic is “Do you like taking selfies? Why or why not? Photo: You” The easy answer? Yes, yes I do like taking selfies. It’s fun and gives me a nice little self-confidence boost. I also enjoy entering a monthly contest over at G+ in which you submit an artistic self portrait on a given topic. April’s topic was “Wet.” The above photo was going to be my entry… until I realized I’d subconsciously ripped off another entry already in the contest. (I’d looked at other entries for inspiration.) So, I pulled the entry but kept the photo.


NaBloPoMo May 2015