Category Archives: nanowrimo

Gazing into November

November was once a month I would become downright GIDDY about arriving for the simple fact that it meant my birthday was near. Today? I look at my November calendar and all I see is… a lot going on!

November Birthdays
November Birthdays

First and foremost is definitely BIRTHDAYS! My friend, Anne, has her birthday on the 5th. I’m right behind her on the 10th. My husband is the 19th, and my Mom’s is on the 22nd! Not to mention the countless other friends whose birthdays land this month… I think if we tried to have one big joint birthday party we’d have to have two full size sheet cakes to fit all the names!

Right there with birthdays, I can’t forget Anniversaries. My brother and sister-in-law got married on the 11th (14 years!) and our friend’s Brian and Kristen got married on the 19th (4 years!).

Important holidays: Veterans Day (11th) and Thanksgiving (26th). And of course we can’t forget National Deviled Egg Day (today!), Pack Your Mom Lunch Day (15th), and Stay At Home Because You’re Well Day (30th). (For more of these days, visit this list on

Among these days, I am participating in NaNoWriMo. I’ve mentioned this before, but now its begun. I’m glad to say that as of right now, I am right on target to do this. Ask me again in a week how I’m doing. Then again, don’t ask. I’ll tell you on my own soon, I am sure.

On November 9th, I end my very first Project 365. In one way, I will be really glad to see it come to an end. In another, I’m sad to see it end, and I am trying to come up with my own project to replace it. I might continue on with it, but give it some sort of twist. I don’t know for sure yet. I have 8 days to decide. I’ll let you know what I decide then.

10 Years Later...
10 Years Later...

November 18th is the 10 year anniversary of the Aggie Bonfire collapse. You can rest assured I’ll have a full entry that day about it, but it is yet another anniversary that lands in this month.

In another sad memory, 10 years ago my brother was in an auto accident (on my birthday) that certainly changed my driving habits, what I drive, and without a doubt made me stop taking mine and my family and friend’s safety for granted.

Finally, big games to be played by Aggies this month. They will face Colorado, Oklahoma, Baylor and Texas this month. The Texas is back ON Thanksgiving, where it rightfully belongs. Again… that’s another entry for a later date.

Lots going on this month! I just hope I can keep up!

Time & ambitions

“I’ve learned…. That life is like a roll of toilet paper. The closer it gets to the end, the faster it goes.”

— Andy Rooney

I know I’m only 28 — I’ll be 29 in 19 days, feel free to send me presents — but already I see life spinning by faster and faster each year. I remember the year dragging by as a kid, and today I feel like the month is ending before I’ve gotten used to it even BEING that month! Christmas is only two months away, and I still haven’t gotten used to the idea of Fall being here!

This month has been quite busy, and as a result many things I’ve been trying to keep up have once again fallen by the wayside. There’s only so many hours in a day. So many days in a week. So many weeks in a month.

I’m 10 days from NaNoWriMo. I was so jazzed for it at the end of September. Ready to start writing immediately! Now, it’s 10 days away and I can’t fathom how I’m supposed to pull it off. I’ve hardly been keeping up with my Project 365!

Its at this point in which time and ambition collide, and you have to decide which is more important. Succeeding in your goal, or conceding that maybe time just isn’t going to allow it to happen. Which takes precedence?

When in school, there was no option. It didn’t matter if you had an organizational meeting after school, then had a game to go play a couple hours later, and in one class you had to read three chapters and in another write an essay! Sleep suffered, and you got the jobs done.

Today, for me, I am my own boss in many of my projects. And I do find myself to be a pretty relenting boss at times. At others, I’m a total softy on myself and I extend my own deadlines past what I should. (I like sleep these days! What can I say?)

Good thing I’m my only employee! What mixed signals I give!

That being said, I’ve never not attempted a goal. I’ve never given up before I tried, and with that fact I am going to do my best to do NaNoWriMo. Right along side my Project 365, my blog, my jobs, my husband, our home, and everything else! I have to try — time be damned! It’s amazing what a person can do when they put their mind to it. I continue to challenge myself every day to do everything I possibly can and be the best me I can be.