Category Archives: thanks

Things I am Thankful for…

Happy Thanksgiving!!! I hope everyone finds a moment to pause and realize all they have to be thankful for… this day isn’t about turkey, dressing and football (okay its not ALL about that), its about being thankful for all our many blessings. Because no matter how horrible things may be for a person, there is always SOMETHING to be thankful for… even if its just to have the clothing on your back.

That being said, things I am thankful for:

Life lessons. Its a crazy, crazy life. I am thankful for the ups and downs this world throws my way. Everything from the surreal to the devastating… it all has its purpose and lesson to be learned from it. I am thankful for those lessons.

Family. I am SO blessed to have the most amazing family in the world. I wouldn’t be who or where I am without them. I couldn’t begin to thank them for all their have done for me nor put into word what they mean to me.

Friends. Old friends. New friends. Texas. Nashville. Online. All of them. I am so thankful. If a person’s wealth were measured by their friends, I’d be a multi-millionaire.

Freedom. We live in a time when it seems our freedoms are slowly being taken away, one by one. But in the end, I still have amazing freedoms that so many others don’t have. I live in a country where its okay to complain, pray, praise, and love who I love. We have countless freedoms we should NEVER take for grated.

Necessities fulfilled. I am thankful for a roof over my head, food on the table. I am thankful for work to do to provide us those things. I am thankful for hope to keep us going, and faith to keep that hope alive.

Countless other things… From the silly to the serious… I have so very much to be thankful!!