Tag Archives: flying

Sometimes its impossible not to eavesdrop

Yesterday was another fly day for me. This time it was Nashville, TN to Austin, TX — via Houston, TX. I had one of those layovers where I didn’t get off the plane, since my flight was just continuing on to my final destination.

My first flight was no where near full. I don’t think there was a single row with more than two people in it — several with only one. It was an easy flight, and we actually arrived in Houston a little early. We were told we could deplane if we wanted to use the restroom and get something to eat, since we had time to kill. I opted, instead, to just use the lavatory on the plane and use the time to call my husband and my mom with travel updates.

Waiting for the next flight
Waiting for the next flight

As people started to board for our flight from Houston to Austin (which I have spent a lot of time contemplating ones expense of flying that route versus driving it) I found myself very glad to already be seated. This flight would be completely full. There were 14 of us already seated and just waiting for everyone else to join us so we could continue on our way.

I rarely pay much attention as people board behind me. I really don’t care who sits beside me, because, I admit it, I’m not a chatty flyer. I use ear plugs to attempt to keep my ears from plugging while I fly, and that makes it hard to visit with anyone. So. I just don’t.

All that being said, it was impossible to miss someone going, “Tsk. I thought we had good places in line. Look at all these seats already taken!” I glanced up to see a man and woman joining me in my row. I was glad to see two people who knew each other sitting with me… they’d talk among themselves and I’d be off the hook when it came to chatting.

As they sat down the woman started complaining about the air being on above her and telling the guy to turn it off.

“I should have known you’d start complaining about that before you even sat down good.”

I internally headdesked. He told the woman she’d have to ask me, since my air was the only one open and blowing. Now here’s another thing with  me and flying. I hate being hot. If I get hot on a plane, my stomach starts to ache. So I’d rather be a little chilly than hot, any day. I nodded that she could move my air “vent” but she couldn’t turn it off.

And with all of that, in less than thirty seconds, I felt myself very uncomfortable with these two. All I felt were negative vibes, and I couldn’t help but eavesdrop on much of their conversation. (I mean, c’mon, they were less than a two feet away from me!)  I was more and more uncomfortable as time passed. I found myself hoping I that never come across as negative as these two did. Heck I found myself scared to breathe funny lest they start discussing what I was doing and why either I was wrong or how they could do it better!

Luckily the flight from Houston to Austin takes about 30 minutes, so my experience was short lived.

I enjoy people watching, and the occasional eavesdropping session usually makes me smile as I find myself filling in the blanks with my own imagination. But this was one time, I wish I hadn’t pretty much had to eavesdrop. I strive to surround myself with positive people, and when I find myself trapped in a sea of negativity… I feel uncomfortable and out of place. I have my negative moments, but I try to keep those to myself or just with people I am close to… who know that my feelings are short lived and don’t define who I am.

My seatmates… well… I would define them as being negative people. And perhaps my assessment is totally wrong! But I wasn’t given much at all to assume otherwise. I sure hope I never do that. This trip made me be more aware of my attitude more than ever, and perhaps that’s the positive in that sea of negative.

As I write this

As I write this, I’m once again mid-flight from Nashville to Austin. Back to the tax work!

I think I’ve discovered the best time to fly: sunset. I took off just after the sun had dropped below the horizon, and as we taxied to the runway, the pale pink sky reflected off the wet asphalt. The photographer in me wished to be able to make the pilot stop, so I could dig out my camera and snap away. It was gorgeous. The kind of sunset you see in movies. The kind that makes you marvel in the world around you.

We lifted off, and Nashville sprawled out below me. It was bright enough still to make out all the buildings, but dark enough that all the street lights were already glowing. The pink sky no longer part of my view, slowly separating itself. A light haze, perhaps it was light rain, gave the city a romantic quality.

My eyes scanned the streets and buildings. An interesting thing happened… my city that has come to feel cozy seemed so much larger. I began to grasp the sheer number of people in one location.

Downtown came into view, and it made me smile. Not only do I love downtown Nashville, but it looks so small from above! When you are downtown, it feels much more massive. But as you take off, you realize Nashville is more spread out for its size and downtown it really not much more than maybe five or six tall buildings, reaching for the sky. In one instant, my city felt so big. And in the very next, it felt so very small.

As I cruise west, I am chasing the sun. I can just barely catch a glimpse of the bright crimson colors of the sun setting. It keeps making me stop and stare, craning my neck as I try to find a way to see it better. There is no orange or yellow in this sunset. There is bright, almost angry, red. A layer of clouds. Then the gentle blue of the sky fading into black darkness. Cities and towns glow from below. In some cases, you can make out the street layout and you wonder if there is someone driving there… and where are they going… what are they thinking about.

Today is Ash Wednesday. Many are starting Lenten fasts, giving up a vice or starting a new positive thing. I’ve failed miserably the last several years at following any sort of Lenten preparation for Easter. This year, my goal is to pick up journaling daily again. I also just want to do better in general. Make the better choice – in health, finances and emotions.

Best of luck to everyone making sacrifices for the next 40 days! If anyone needs a cheerleader, I’ll be happy to do that for you.

The sun has almost faded completely. The red is now a deep orange. It won’t be long before it is all gone and darkness falls on yet another day. Dreams are waiting to be dreamed, and a new day is waiting to begin.