Tag Archives: list

Wrapping up the week

It’s been a full week, and I haven’t had much chance to blog. So just a few thoughts for the week:

1. Had a lovely time with my parents earlier this week. Always sad to see them leave… But we all have things to do so we can get together again soon! Photos from our trip to Arrington Vineyards will be in Photo Share this weekend. But here is one that everyone loved that I posted on Instagram.

2. The other day, I took my husband to the doctor…. for allergy/sinus issues. That’s MY department, not his!! He got diagnosed with bronchitis… I was worried about pneumonia, to be honest. But luckily it hadn’t gotten that bad yet. So here’s to him feeling better soon!

3. I was a homemaker on speed yesterday! LOL! I did all the laundry, cleaned house, made a big supper, etc. I was worn out when bed time came!! But it was nice to start settling back into my own house after being gone so long. Still a lot to do, but I made a huge dent in the work to be done.

4. So I saw on the news yesterday, that parents are spending on average $1139 on their kids proms this year. $1139!??! What? I did a very generous estimate for when I went to prom, and including gas to and from it cost MAYBE — MAYBE — $200 for me. Granted that was almost 15 years ago, but still. That’s ridiculous! What did you spend on prom? If you have teenagers, what’s it costing you?

5. Rest in Peace, George Jones.

09.13.2011 -- George Jones 80th Birthday Party at the Grand Ole Opry
09.13.2011 — George Jones 80th Birthday Party at the Grand Ole Opry

Random things about me

Today’s Daily Health challenge is to get to know things about someone you are already very close to… random little things you might not know but that will help you feel even closer to that person by knowing.

So it got me thinking… What are some random things people might not know about me. And off I went… random things you might not care anything about but find interesting nonetheless…

1. I was a photographer for my high school yearbook my senior year. I got a crash course in using the school cameras before being let loose with one.

2. That’s still the most photography training I’ve ever had.

128: I see through the lens

3. I have to at least wear foundation when I leave the house.  Even if its just to get gas, I’ll grab my makeup kit before leaving to freshen up.

4. I used to sneak food into class in school. Everything from power bars to pastries to candy to sandwiches. I only got busted once.

5. I hate driving cars. I’ve driven trucks so long that cars wig me out. (Thankfully, we really do legitimately need a pick-up truck to haul gear.)

6. I didn’t learn how to ride a bicycle until around junior high age.

7. I hate green peas alone, but I’ll eat them in foods like casseroles or cold salads.

8. Similarly,  I hate coconut, but recently I have been on a coconut rum kick.

9. I almost always have painted toenails. If they aren’t painted, they will be within 24 hours.

Red toenails

10. I hold myself more accountable than anyone else can. Example: if the books are off at work, I’ll lay awake stressing over it for days trying to figure out if its my fault.

11. I sleep in the middle of the bed in a cocoon of pillows when my husband is on the road.

12. I love silver jewelry. I only own a handful of pieces of what look “gold.”  Only two pair of earrings and a few necklaces.

13. My favorite piece of yellow gold jewelry is my Aggie ring.

14. My wedding set is white gold.

15. When someone asks me “what part of Texas are you from?” I say, “South of Waco.” Everyone has known of Waco since 1993.

Texas flag

16. I was once approached by a modeling company to come to an open call in San Antonio. I didn’t go (it didn’t fit my personality, though I was super flattered!), but now and then I wonder what would have happened if I had gone. It’s not a regret by any means! It’s simply a path not taken.

17. I like a clean house, but I don’t mind a cluttered office.  Much to my husband’s dismay.

18. I briefly considered majoring in psychology.

19. I love to cook but absolutely hate doing dishes.

20. I really love knowing more about others… won’t you share something random about yourself with me?