Tag Archives: motivation

Projects left undone

A couple summers ago, my husband and I started work towards opening a nightclub. It sits across from the bar we both call our home away from home, the one I am working in tonight. It’s a gorgeous building, and I still sit staring at it wistfully. We worked hard on our business plan. We met with contractors. We studied demographics. We researched grants.

In the end, we abandoned the project due to the economy. Finding a private investor proved harder than we anticipated, and the pricetag was scary.

It is a project left undone.

We still hold the dream of some day running a bar or nightclub. But this particular one was not meant to be.

Similarly, about six years ago, I looked into running my own music magazine. I forget now how the option came to land in my lap, but it was exciting! It was my first taste of a business plan, budgeting, and the true behind-the-scenes of publishing.

Legal and financial reasons brought it to a screeching halt.  Again, it wasn’t meant to be… but I’ve never (obviously) lost the publishing bug.

Projects left undone… we all have them. Sometimes its strictly never meant to be, others are just not meant to be right then. Either way, lessons are learned, and you walk away wiser. Just because its undone, it not anything to consider lost.

What are some of your projects left undone? Are they done for good, or just on pause?