Tag Archives: music

The song remembers

Yesterday, I had a music station playing on our cable TV. I was putting groceries away, singing along much to the cats’ dismay. Then it happened.

A song that was huge for the artist my now-husband was working for when we met came on… and it stopped me in my tracks. It was like being hit by a fright train of memories. In a very good way!!

Memories of shows. Memories of old conversations. Memories of dinners and laughter. I remember having a bad day, and I was riding in a vehicle with my best friend. She threw the artist’s CD on knowing it would cheer me up. Memories of meeting people that I consider dear friends today…

I tweeted about it and the following conversation ensued:


Oh I’m not saying those days were all roses. LOL! There were definitely plenty of bumps along the way for ALL of us. But somehow as time as passed, the bumps have faded and the good memories still shine.

It knocked me off my feet, but I am glad that song reminded me for awhile of the past. Reminded me to be thankful for the twists and turns of life that put me right where I am today with the people… or to steal a the term from a friend… the angels around me today.

Please don’t play it again

imageIf you ever hear a musician say they are charting songs, it means they are learning the songs to perform. (That’s a general definition at least.) After they chart them, they’ll “woodshed” to commit them to memory.

When either or both of these happened in our old house, it meant my husband would be closing himself up in the upstairs bonus room for hours on end. I’d sometimes have to convince him he needed to break to eat!

In our house now, there’s no bonus room. So, it means he sets up where he can to practice. Normally he uses his in-ears system (think expensive ear buds) and all I hear is the thump-thump-thumpthumpthump of his fingers on the keys.

Last night, though, he didn’t have his in-ears with him, so he was practicing and I could hear everything.

It’s definitely interesting to see and hear how he goes about learning the songs. But after a couple of hours of hearing bits and pieces of the same song over and over and over, I finally went, “I’m seriously growing to hate this song!”

Note to self: Never ask hubby to learn a song I really like lest I grow to hate it!

In almost cruel irony, the gig he was learning songs for last night got canceled due to the “ice storm warning” we have been under all day. He’ll still need to know the songs for a later date, so its not lost time! But it might be awhile before I like the songs he’s been learning again.