Let me show you my insecurity…

I’ve always had great self-esteem. Oh, I’ve had my moments where its faded for awhile, but on a whole I’m a confident person. Sure of what I want. Sure of who I am. Sure of where I am going.

But I have to admit. I’ve lately had my moments of insecurity.

Suddenly, it seems everywhere I look, I see people doing the same things I do. Maybe that has to do with the fact that I am immersing myself more and more into the blogging, page design and photography worlds. So of COURSE I am going to find more people doing the same thing.

But sometimes, it gets a bit unnerving. Especially when sometimes it feels like everyone is doing it a little bit better than I am. Or they have more resources to get the job done better. It gets a little disheartening at times.

Oh, I’m not letting it stop me from striving towards my goals and dreams. More often than not, I use that to make me work even harder! But once in awhile… I find myself going, “What am I doing? How can I really compete?” And I wallow for awhile in my insecurity.

But every day, I open my blog to write another post. Some days, life gets in the way and it doesn’t get done. But on a whole, I do strive to do it every day. I keep my photo of the day project going, letting it push me towards working harder and getting better. I look at photos and want to figure out, “How’d they do that?”  The same for page design. I don’t let my insecurities hold me back; I let them push me forward. Let them make me work a little harder to over come them.

What are you insecure about? Do you let it hold you back? What can you do to turn that negative into a positive?

8 thoughts on “Let me show you my insecurity…”

  1. Sometimes I feel I’m not doing enough to get better at photography. And then I realize I actually don’t! So instead of pounding myself for being lazy and untalented, I look at others’ works and make myself motivated to do something. I think it’s perfectly okay to wallow on our insecurities for a bit, it’s a way of acknowledging your feelings.
    Sus recently posted..Af- Rasmus

    1. Thank you! I agree… sometimes you have to let yourself feel down to gather the strength to go fight another day. Learn from others and keep plugging forward!

  2. Photography is always going to be one of those things that you can feel insecure about.. because all too often is everyone is trying to ‘be like everyone else’.

    Be who you are… Do your photography YOUR way… who knows, your style might be something that someone else might see and then try to model their photography after yours.

    And the same with web design, blogging… etc. Everyone is different, everyone is the same. Its weird like that.

    But most of all? Be the unique person YOU are. :)

    1. THANK YOU!

      I seriously admire your photography skills. Consider me one of those people cheering you on to doing it full-time some day. You’ve got the talent to do it.

      I’m trying to find my own style. I can definitely tell you the things I DON’T like, and the things I WON’T do. So I guess that’s a start. Still finding my niche in what I like and what I do. Its a fun journey, even if occasionally it gets a little overwhelming!

  3. I supposed these days I’m insecure because I feel like I don’t do what everyone else does, so I don’t know where I fit. Kind of like, I’m in better shape than a lot of women 50lbs lighter, yet they obviously look better, and looks still trump health these days in a major way. Or I am really talented with creating things, but no one seems to appreciate those talents. I finally get my confidence back in terms of teaching, just when all the districts are laying off and not hiring. It’s all just a bit in limbo, which knocks my balance. Metaphorically, I suppose that means I just need to work on my core strength to get that balance back.

    1. You can do it!!! I’m in better shape than a lot of women 50lbs lighter, yet they obviously look better, and looks still trump health these days in a major way Ugh, that’s true. And its frustrating. I know a lot of women here who have lost 50 – 100 lbs in the last few years. They are SO MUCH HEALTHIER and I’m so proud of them… but it kills me to know when they are on stage and random Joe walks in the door, he sees that they are still technically 20 lbs “over weight”. He doesn’t see what I see…

      Stay strong in your faith in yourself. Know you are healthy. And plug forward in all things!!

  4. Hahaha, Scorpio Horoscope for today: The world is not aware of all the skills you posses, so why not give people a sneak preview of a few of them today? You can use your hidden talents to entertain, persuade and educate people — whatever you need to accomplish. Playing strictly by the rules could be a bit shortsighted today. Think big and have confidence in what you can do. Just because you aren’t an expert at something doesn’t mean that you aren’t good at it.

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