I try everyday to make my rounds to various other blogs to see what others have written. I consider it a chance to not only get to know more people, but to also learn from others what does or does not work. Some days, I don’t do so hot at making the rounds. I’m either tired or busy or just flat out not in the mood. However, I try to keep those days to a minimum.
I direct your attention to the right side of the screen. For those who are directionally challenged just as I am, its this way; —–>
Below the top ad, you’ll see three blog posts from other blogs on the Blogher network to go visit. I always visit those links. Always. They are guaranteed to be great posts. Those three links consistently leave me in awe of their writing talents. Those links make me want to be a better writer. There are some truly talented writers out there on the web, and it makes me glad that through blogs those writers get attention. It’s a whole new world in regards to publishing and writing these days!
I still dream of being a published author. Its a dream I will not give up on. Its a dream I will achieve. I see many other bloggers out there with the same dream, and as I read their stuff I know they’ll achieve that dream as well.
I may lament the decline of the English language due to text-speak and new versions of shorthand, but the fact, thankfully, remains that there are still a lot of people out there who do love to write, and they do so with great care. I salute all those who do, and I want to tell them I am in awe of them. I appreciate what you do, and I thank you for letting me be a part of your industry.