Tag Archives: texas

Tax season draws to a close

You’d think I’d be doing a major happy dance to see tax season come to an end. And I am!

But I admit, it also comes with a tinge of sadness, too. There’s always things left that I didn’t get to do during my time in Texas for tax season. And I do so enjoy having so much time with family. I love my parents. I adore my niece and nephew. And there just never seems to be enough down time to spend with all of them.

This tax season was one that I was really the most healthy! No major sinus infections for a change, and I got the tooth ache thing over with early. It was nice to not be miserable for chunks of time. (And it was quite telling how many clients came in and commented that I felt so good for a change!)

It was also one of the craziest work-wise. It was the first season that as April 15th drew near I started to feel panicked that we weren’t going to make it. In fact April 15th is usually a pretty relaxed day at the office. Last minute pick-ups are about all we deal with. Today we were battling computers, lists, double checking the lists, getting things done… it wasn’t awful, but it also wasn’t as relaxed as usual.

But, its done. It’s in the books. Now on to the long list of extensions we filed. Now on to normal life again. Back to Nashville soon. Back to the bar and back to more focus on this blog and photography.

I look forward to good things this year… and I’m excited for it! But… I AM a little sad, too. And for now I think that just means all is right in the world, and that I am happy wherever I am and it means that I am also always sad to leave no matter what.


Lupinus texensis. Texas Bluebonnets. The state flower of Texas.


You always know its Spring when the sides of Texas highways are lined in a beautiful blue, with specs of orange, white and blue. Wildflowers are as much a part of spring as tornadoes, warm weather, allergies and spring football practice in Texas.

In 5th grade, we had to do a flower collection. You had to display the flowers you’d gathered with their name, their “Binomial nomenclature” and where you picked the flower. I think I MIGHT have made a low “B” on the project. I pretty much gave up naming the flowers half-way through, though I did successfully find 50.

So every year, when I see the spring wildflowers blooming along Texas highways — especially bluebonnets — I think back to that project, and sometimes I try to remember the many names. I find myself smiling as I see families stop to take pictures in the beautiful colors. This, too, practically a state tradition.

On Easter, after rain had passed through my hometown and my husband, parents and I left my brother’s house, we went and found a patch of bluebonnets… and Dad snapped a shot of my husband and me in the pretty blue colors.


I’m planning to get the photo printed in a large size to hang in our home in Nashville.

Bluebonnets. It’s a Texas thing… one of my favorite things.

When the bluebonnets bloom
I’ll think of you…

-Cross Canadian Ragweed, “Bluebonnets