Tag Archives: weather

Rainy day

In direct contrast of yesterday’s beauty, today has been a dark, rainy day.

I love rain as much as I love sunshine. Rain brings life, the much needed water to sustain plants, animals and humans alike.

Sleeping to rainfall is one of my favorite things. I didn’t want to get up today! I wanted to just keep sleeping in my dark, cool bedroom as the rain pattered on the roof.

Sometimes when I can’t sleep, I’ll play ambient rain noise. It is almost foolproof, putting me to sleep quickly.

This rain is the precursor to colder temperatures for the rest of the week. So long mid-70s. Hello mid-50s. Back to normal November temperatures. It is as it should be….rainy days, sunny days. We need them both. I love ’em both.

“Anyone who says sunshine brings happiness has never danced in the rain.”
— Author Unknown


Oh hey, July. ‘sup?

July 1st. Seventh month of the year. There’s no denying we are headed towards Christmas now.

I’ve actually spent most of the last year looking towards this month. My cousin is getting married in a couple weeks, and I’m her MOH. So even though I’ve not been terribly active in the planning, much of what I’ve done — or not done — has been in anticipation of this month.

I’ve spent just enough energy focusing on this month that it almost feels like, “About dang time!” While in the same breath its, “So much still to do! Ah!”

I don’t head to Texas for just shy of two more weeks, but I’m so in the mode already it could just as well be tomorrow.

Except I’ve not packed.

And there’s no flight waiting for me at BNA.

I’m hoping that sometime this month I’ll take some time to do summer things… like go out on the lake. Catch a baseball game. Barbecue out back with friends.

My bikini is on my dresser and I’ve lost just shy of 10 lbs. I need some lake time!! Summer fun has not yet begun and its not far from being over!

Ultimately, time flies and even as I strive to stop and enjoy the moment, there is more I want to do before we are welcoming in August. So here is my goal for July: enjoy beautiful weddings and have a little fun in the sun!
