Every Christmas season, there’s a night I look forward to more than most… the tree decorating party at the bar! This past Monday was the 2013 edition of the fun night. Â The concept is easy… go buy airplane bottles of your favorite liquor, drink it, and then decorate the bottle. Ta da!… a Christmas ornament!
You can keep it simple:
You can get complex:
Beer cans work great as well:
And we’ve found that Patron bottles are particularly fun:
Red Bull gives you wings, so how about an angel?
It doesn’t even have to be an ornament… make just some great decorations:
 Needless to say, its a super fun night, and it amazing to see how creative your friends are when given liquor and a glue gun. So maybe someday when you want to put a twist on your Christmas party, turn it into a decorating party, and let the fun — and drinking — begin!
These are AWESOME!