Category Archives: faith

Looking back on 2010

I think few people would disagree with me when I say this: 2010 STUNK.

Oh, I know. It had its high points. Other years have stunk, too. January to December is arbitrary start and stop points in the grand scheme of things. Yadda yadda yadda. Doesn’t matter. I look back on 2010 with a scowl on my face. I actually FEEL 30 in a lot of ways. I guess the year aged me to my age for a change. Perhaps that is not such a bad thing, but its also not what you ever want to say.

What made the year so bad you ask? It just felt like an uphill climb the entire time. We lived month to month financially. I became buried in a dark cloud financially that, yes I created, but it was also one that was created at a time when the idea of being able to dig out of it was not far-fetched. Then life happened, and it all came to a head in 2010.

I ended up taking comfort in watching the news and hearing of others right where we are. We at least had family and friends to lean on… we at least had work in general. I was thankful for my blessings, but it was hard to not sink into a stressful depression.

Time and time again, we found ourselves taking one step forward, two steps back. We found ourselves making hard decisions — selling my husband’s truck, canceling services that we realized were a luxury. We definitely learned  the difference between want and need!

And perhaps its within things like that, that I look into 2011 with optimism. We’ve learned hard lessons and picked up new habits that will make big differences for us in the new year. What first felt like the last blow, we are having to move. But now I look on the change with optimism for a clean slate. I, myself, laid a lot of groundwork in my writing and photography. I go into 2011 with optimism professionally, and with hope that changes we’ve made will have a positive effect.

I’ve picked up a motto and belief this year… that its after our greatest failures that our greatest successes are realized. 2010 is one of the hardest years I’ve ever experienced, and its my belief that 2011 will follow with stark contrast of positive strides professionally, financially and even personally.


Week three of Advent is upon us, and this week we light the pink candle on the Advent wreath.

Week one here.
Week two here.

Week 3: JOY

Somewhere along the way of “growing up,” we lose sight of the joy that this season brings. We get wrapped up in worries about finances, gift giving, making a good impression at Christmas parties, and making sure everyone else is happy. However, the joy of the season is meant for everyone. The old, the young, the rich, the poor… this season isn’t about gifts. It isn’t even really about twinkling lights or sparking diamonds. It’s about being surrounded by those we love. It’s about taking joy from seeing others’ joy. It’s about the sparkle in someones eyes when they see those twinkling lights, falling snow and/or take in the story of Christmas. May we all find joy in what really matters, and may we revel in that all the days of our lives.

You have filled my heart with greater joy than when their grain and new wine abound.
Psalm 4:7