Tag Archives: love

Wedding… party?

imageIn continuation of yesterday’s, “I went to the movies” post, what I went to see was the movie Bridesmaids. I really didn’t know much about it except that a lot of people on Twitter feed were going to see it, and that they all had a different opinion about if it was good/bad/ugly.

A big reason I opted to go to the movie (because, seriously, that whole Twitter feed thing happens every weekend, but the movies never even really register with me) is because this is a year of weddings for me and my husband. I am SO GLAD so many of our friends and family have found the loves of their lives… I just want to know why they all found them at the same time! ;)

I am in one wedding, and my husband is in another. As such, a day does not go by that I don’t think about someone’s wedding, and so a title like Bridesmaids just screamed, “SEE ME!” So I did.

It was okay. I summed it up on Facebook as, “Hollywood’s version of a wedding with adult language and junior high humor.” So, as I said, it was okay. I think they tried a little TOO hard to get laughs, and the funniest parts were the ones that I think every woman in the theater could relate to having experienced themselves.

Because, seriously… weddings are serious business. And anything serious business is just RIPE for comedy. Oh, when you’re going through it, you can’t laugh. Noooo… the world really MUST stop because you can’t find the perfect garter to wear under your dress. This. Is. TRAGIC.

Then years later you facepalm yourself and wonder what the big deal really was.

The big deal, though, really is how you get from engagement to wedding without alienating everyone around you… because of those serious-tragedies-that-really-aren’t. And THAT, my dear friends, was the part of the movie that rung the most true.

It is so easy to get wrapped up in everything being perfect that you lose sight of the people around you, and the fact that they are the ones that truly matter. You forget that the world does not stop for your wedding, and that every person you’ve surround yourself with in the wedding planning is still living a day-to-day life that can not be put on hold. Watching that movie, there were moments when reality smacked ME in the face, and I looked back on my own wedding planning with a few regrets at how I handled things.

I’m excited for every one of my friends and family members who are getting married this year. I hope they find as much joy and satisfaction in marriage as I have. I can’t wait to hear those “I dos” and watch the bouquet be tossed (thankful I am no longer out there trying to catch it!). I can’t wait to hug the bride and groom and wish them all the best.

Because whether myself or my husband are in the wedding party, a wedding IS a party. Its a celebration of love and a new life beginning. And its in that moment that all the stress of planning, all the no-tragic-tragedies of planning cease to matter and the hurt feelings fade away. It’s in that moment that its all made worth it.

Valentine’s Day thoughts and memories

pho.to FunI don’t get it. I don’t understand the hate I see towards Valentine’s Day.

“Oh you’re married. No wonder you don’t get it,” I’m sure someone out there is thinking. Well, I wasn’t ALWAYS married, people. Heck, I was single all they way through college and beyond!!! And I don’t ever recall having the level of hate I see towards this day.

I always looked at it as a day to celebrate love in general! Love for my family. Love for my friends. Love for MYSELF! I was guilty of sending myself flowers on Valentine’s Day once! I seriously do not recall ever hating Valentine’s Day with the passion I see others hate it with…

Some of my favorite Valentine’s Day memories:

Kindergarten – My parents gave me a book (that came with heart shaped lollipops!) that was a cute story about Valentine’s Day. I remember taking it to school that day and my teacher reading it to the whole class. ♥

Coffee Mugs – I don’t remember the year now, but ironically Mom and I talked about it just yesterday… the year she got my brother and me coffee mugs full of conversation hearts. Those mugs are still around and still make me smile!

Rose to myself – I don’t remember the details now, but in high school we were able to purchase a single rose for someone one year. I sent one to myself. Why shouldn’t I get one!?

My First Concert – Bryan White concert in Waco, Texas. My first concert ever. Pretty much changed my life and focus.

Navel piercing – I got my bellybutton pierced on Valentine’s Day. It was a big ol’, “Single and fabulous!” moment.

Flowers for the first time – I got a bouquet of flowers from a friend in thanks for being there for them. Big bouquet of mixed pink flowers. First time I got flowers without asking for them.

Class parties – Oh come ON! We all know it somewhat sucked to have to buy Valentine’s for the whole class in elementary school, but we also all got a big kick out of them, too. I always loved how many different ways people had to spell “Denise” back then. And, seriously, it always made me happy to have a class party! Why can’t we still buy little cheesy cards for all our friends?

I love you – My husband and I said that for the first time to each other on Valentine’s Day.

So, c’mon… whether you are single or not, you must have SOME good story for Valentine’s Day. If not… why not make this year the year you make a good story! Go buy yourself a bottle of wine and chocolate and take a long bubble bath celebrating yourself. Or do something super nice for a random stranger who just might be more miserable for a much more legitimate reason that you. Or call a family member and tell them you love them.

Valentine’s Day isn’t just romantic love. It’s love in general.

Love one another… today and every day.