Tag Archives: vote

Election Day

I’ve always taken pride in the ability to vote. I was so excited when I finally reached the legal age of being able to vote, and I was actually disappointed that I had to wait until I was 20 to vote in a presidential election.

Today… today election years leave me weary.

I’ve actually looked at this day with fear. This country is so split, and it seems everyone is very passionate in their feelings. I know I’ve felt attacked for supporting the candidate I support… even though I’ve never come right out and stated how I feel.

My request today is to vote with pride in your ability to vote. Vote with YOUR heart and gut. Respect others voting with their hearts, even if they are voting different from you. We’re all in this together, but we all have different points of view. Let’s please respect that.


I don’t like to talk politics. It’s up there with religion on “topics to avoid if you don’t want to end up in a fight with someone.” An intelligent and fact-driven conversation very rarely happens.

However, I will say that ever since I was old enough to vote, its something I’ve taken seriously and appreciated about my country. Even when, for whatever reason, I did not vote in an election, I appreciated that I had to right to vote, along with the freedom to not vote, should it just not work out.

I’ve never been a fan of voting along party lines. I’ve always believed you vote based on your beliefs and what is best for the country. Do your homework on the candidates. Know what they stand for individually versus just knowing their party.

(I wish the people in office voted this way a lot more as well — based on what is best for the people who put them in office versus what their party expects of them. But, that’s a rant for another blog post that will probably never happen.)

Our ancestors went through a lot of strife for us to have this right.  Voting is our chance to have a say in our government. It’s the one time the majority is heard loud and clear. It’s when the candidates are reminded that its the American people who are their bosses. It’s the American people who decide if they still have a job or if they get a new job.

I will be at the polls today. I will proudly cast my vote and have my say. It’s my right… it’s your right, too.