One of those days…

Feeling moody today

My mom talks to me a lot about living in the moment, and I’ve noticed more and more that its sinking in, and I’m going just that.

Live in the moment and enjoy it. Don’t stress about what is to come. Don’t regret what happened in the past. Live in this very moment. Enjoy it and have faith tomorrow’s concerns will work out due to the actions you’ve taken today… actions you took while living in the moment.

I’ve gotten a lot better at that lately. I’ve always been a positive and optimistic person, so my natural inclination is to find a way to be that way. These days, money concerns have without a doubt made that harder to do. And I have my days in which I let that get to me. On a whole, I’ve discovered that worrying and stressing about it only makes it worse. It keeps me from actively working to correct my “problem” and it clouds my judgment quickly. But, like I said, I have those days in which it gets me down.

Today was pretty much one of those days.

The funny thing is that I’ve had a really good week at work, and I’m going into another good week. Really, no reason for me to get down! But I just woke up feeling like I am swimming against the current, and while I am kicking harder than ever… I’m standing still. This feeling just left me with a patience level depleted.

A patience level that was tested multiple times today…

Yes. I am here to whine/rant/complain/bitch… all of the above.

A trip to the grocery store: the sacker put my eggs at the bottom of the bag. He’s lucky none broke. I was in the right mood to actually go back and complain.

Also? Those grocery carts that are made to look like a race car? Yeah, we didn’t have those when I was a kid, and I got through life just fine. And now, I spend half my shopping trip waiting for someone to navigate one of those monstrosities around a corner. Like Craig said, my opinion of them will probably change once I become a Mom myself, and to all the Moms reading this, I apologize. But as of right now, if I had a magical ray to destroy all of these carts, I’d use it.

The drive home: drivers with no clue how to navigate a 4-way stop. Seriously people. If you don’t know the rules of the road, don’t get behind the wheel. It’s that simple and would make sure the rest of us have fewer headaches (and keep me from using a variety of four-letter words.)

At work: I know my lack of patience dealing with drunks makes my working as a bartender a bit of an oxymoron. But when you’re too drunk to understand that I owe you change for your hot dog and you don’t owe me money still… you should seriously go home and sleep it off. Seriously.

Then later, a girl rants about work and how, “If you didn’t tip your waitress at Cracker Barrel it means you have lots of money!” and then fails to tip me, I have to laugh and bite back the retort, “Wow, you must have a lot of money!”

The drive home: Dude, what’s your deal? You don’t want me to pass, but you don’t really want to go as fast as I am going. Granted, this is comical (especially considering its a 4-lane interstate and we’re in different lanes), but also highly annoying. Either just let me pass you and be done with it, or set your cruise a bit higher and get lost.

The cats: Dear cat, please don’t throw up on the couch. If you must do so, at LEAST get off the furniture. Preferably, go find some linoleum, but I’ll be happy with you just getting off the couch. Please. I don’t ask much of you. You could at least do this for me. Thanks!

So. Yes. Here I am in rant mode, hoping to be in a better mood tomorrow. It’s just one of those days. Its my monthly down day. I think I’m allowed that.

Now… no more until next year.

I hope.