School dress codes

I just saw a news article that had me fired up. My husband just stared at me, perhaps with a little fear over how mad it made me.

The article was about a young boy who has hair that does not conform to his school’s dress code, and as such has been placed in detention until he gets a hair cut. His mother is threatening a lawsuit because they are causing him mental harm my keeping him apart from his classmates. [article]

My response: GET A HAIR CUT!

I got just as fired up at the beginning of the school year, when a group of students decided they would all wear flip-flops to school on the first day of school to protest the fact that their dress code said flip flops were not allowed. [article on the dress code]

Dress codes exist for a reason: for the well being of the students. There is a concern for their safety, but also for their ability to focus on their school work. As an adult, I know how I dress not only affects my ability to focus on my job, but it also affects how others react to me. But that is something school-age kids have rarely figured out.

When I was in high school, we had a stringent dress code. The length of shorts, skirts and tops were watched closely. No males had facial hair, nor did their hair get long enough to be below their shirt collars. There were no open toed shoes, nor any shoes without backs.

We might have grumbled about it… I know I did, because my height made finding shorts and skirts long enough impossible and, as such, I lived in jeans every day… but in the end, we all followed the rules. Oh sure, we had those who tried to buck the system, but there was never any big drama within that that I can recall.

We knew that high school was more than just book studies; it was getting us ready for “the real world” where jobs have dress codes and you’re expected to confirm to those rules. You “found yourself” or “expressed your individuality” in ways within those rules. You also knew you would be awarded the freedom to dress as you wished when/if you attended college.

Our dress code was less strict than it was for our older siblings and our parents. I know many dress codes today aren’t as strict as ours was. Some schools have since gone on to impose a school uniform to avoid the dress code issue completely.

You don’t have to agree with a dress code, but you do have to follow it. As I already said, it does get you ready for the rules you’ll follow in the workforce. Plus, you’ll get to have your way when you get out of school. When you look at the span of an average life, your junior high and high school years are just a small portion of that life.

It can be argued that by fighting a dress code, you’re learning to stand up for yourself. You are learning to be an individual. But it can also be argued that sometimes you need the lesson that its not so bad to follow the rules.

I wonder sometimes if we haven’t bent the rules so much that they no longer are respected; if that’s not why many of our youth have a lack of respect in general. Have we not promoted individuality and “bucking the system” to the point that many believe rules don’t apply to them?

No matter where you are in your life, there are rules/laws to follow. Isn’t it easier to learn that when the consequence is detention and not life in prison?

(Note: I know this can open a whole can of worms, which makes me hesitant to post this. But let it be known that in general, I prefer a hands-off approach. Guide through respect and solid examples, less by hard-rules. But I also believe there are rules in place for a reason, and those rules should be followed.)

Music to look out for in the future…

Living in Music City, I get to be privy to a lot of amazing music that the rest of the country doesn’t know about (yet). I’ve wanted, for a long time, to start a weekly post about new music coming out, but I’ve never felt confident that I could really keep it up every week. My husband proposed a monthly post, an idea I really like! So we will see what I can do about that.

For now, I have three artists or groups that I really like and would love to hip my readers to…

Manic BloomManic Bloom — I was introduced to this group when they had a different name, and that was long enough ago that I couldn’t even begin to remember what that name was! I also discovered them because three of the members are former students of Texas A&M University.

I pretty much dragged my husband to a show to support fellow Aggies, and we left die-hard fans. We have both their CDs, and everyone my husband has played them for has gone, “Who IS this!?”

They simply have a style all their own. “Epic Melodic Rock” does indeed describe them to a “T.”  They rock hard, and yet there is a melodic quality to all they do that pulls you in and won’t let you go.

Don’t take my word for it, though. Check out a few of their accomplishments:

  •’s July 2010 Artist of the Month
  • Named Nashville’s “Best New Artist” of 2009 by 102.9 The Buzz
  • Grand Prize Winner of’s October 2008 Music Finals
  • Heard on MTV, University of Alabama’s TideTV, regular college radio rotation
  • Featured on Dude Perfect, YouTube sensation with over 18 million views

It’s seriously only a matter of time before they go big, and I know I’ll be going, “Remember back when we saw them play live with only about 12 other people in the room?” And I, for one, absolutely can’t wait for that to happen… I am SO excited for them and where they are headed.

Check out their site and their music. I’ll be absolutely floored if you say you don’t like what you hear.


David Byrnes — David came to Music City a little after I did. A kid from Arkansas with big dreams and talent, he caught my attention the first time I saw him on stage.

He’s a friend of mine, and that might tinge my “he rocks!’ attitude a little. But in the end I really see a talent waiting to be discovered. He’s a solid songwriter and a great singer. My husband compares his voice to Tracy Lawrence. I can see that!

When you see him play, he fills his set with a combination of old country, a little newer country, and his original music. The more he performs, the better he gets.

Currently signed to a new independent label, his first single, “Sweet Distraction” was recently released to country radio. Call your radio station and request it… check him out for yourself. Personally, I really believe in his potential in this crazy music business.


Adam Fears — Now that I’ve introduced you to a rock band. And then I introduced you to a hard core country artist. Now let me introduce you to a combination of the two.

This last week, I went to see Adam perform after finding out he’s a former student of Texas A&M University. And just like with Manic Bloom, I left a HUGE fan. I’m seriously excited about this guy.

Growing up in Texas, I have this love for the Texas/Red Dirt scene. Its half country and half rock. So even as I understand and appreciate (and like) Nashville’s cleaner sound, I like my country to be a little rough around the edges. I guess, you could almost call it Southern Rock.

This is where Adam stepped up and blew me away. For the first time since moving to Nashville, for a couple of hours I was back in my favorite bar in Texas. I totally forgot I was in Music City. Instead, I was (in my mind) back in college diggin’ on the music.

I’m going to say something bold here. As Cross Canadian Ragweed takes a short break to spend some time at home (I applaud their decision as someone married to a music man, but the fan in me cries in my bottle of beer), they’re opening up the genre for someone to fill that void. I honestly believe Adam is the perfect artist to do just that.


So there you have it… my three picks for new music that you’ll hear about in the future. Do I understand what music executives are really look for? Nope! I regularly scratch my head over the music industry and their decisions. I only know what I like and what I feel has the potential to be the next big thing. I like sharing good music and maybe dispelling the myth that Nashville is only what you hear on the radio. There’s a lot of good music here… you just have to find it.