Of music, teeth and Lent

On Sunday, I got to see the Glenn Miller Orchestra for the second time in my life. I blogged about my first show two years ago; it was a show that knocked my socks off. I have an appreciation for the music they play and the days on end they spend on the road each year.

Glenn Miller Orchestra

With a new band leader and a new female lead singer (at least new since two years ago) it was like a whole new show, even though I recognized several of the musicians. This year, my parents and I purchased a CD, so I can enjoy the music any time I want to now!

I really wish they’d play close to Nashville sometime, so my husband and I can see them together. But, hey, its also a really nice perk to tax season in Texas! I already have next year’s show on my calendar. Who cares if I am one of the youngest people in attendance… great music knows no age limit.

 Glenn Miller Orchestra

With all the fun under my belt, it was time for me to go get my teeth cleaned yesterday. I haven’t had a cleaning in… I don’t know how long. I know some of you are going, “Ew.” Others are nodding in agreement. It is what it is.

I’ll be honest here… I had forgotten what to expect, and I went in braced for tons of bad news about my dental health. My blood pressure was definitely elevated and my pulse was 116. Worked up a bit? Uh. YEAH.

But all went well. I love how my teeth feel now, and I got a mix of good AND bad news. So I’m choosing to bask in the good news versus wallow in the bad. I go back in a week to have a TON of work done. I love sedation dentistry. I am blissfully unaware, and they get about four visits worth of work done at one time. Love it.

It was Fat Tuesday, so I followed my dental appointment with work and then splurging myself on a good dinner and a Shamrock Shake from McDonalds. (OMG HEAVEN in green.)

I blame Nashville for my love for Mardi Gras. It was never a big deal growing up, but when I moved to Nashville I discovered how much fun it can be.


So, I wore my beads and didn’t care if anyone else cared. It let me have a little subtle fun.

Lent is kicking off, and I was going to give up alcohol. However, that’s pretty difficult when you’re a bartender.

My mom, however, gave me a book to read through Lent. Rediscover Catholicismlooks perfect for this goal. (Moms know best!) I am still strongly Catholic and my faith is as strong as ever. However, I do think I’m in need of a “reboot” to the passion of my beliefs. This might just be the thing I need… it’ll do more than giving up alcohol!

So what are others giving up for Lent? Or are you giving yourself more of a challenge of something to do through Lent instead? I’d love to hear and be able to lend support if I can!

Photo Share: February 4 – 9

Feeling better this week, which meant I actually took a few photos! YAY

photosharebuttonPhoto Share is my personal replacement for Weekly Winners, since that link exchange is no longer happening. It’s just my own challenge to take great photos through the week, as it gives me a venue to share some of them on this blog. Consider it my own little P.S. on the week before.

Photos this week taken with my Sony DSLR A230, and edited using Lightroom 3… or using my Droid Razr and Instagram. You can probably figure out which is which.

089: Medications
Medications… finally got antibiotics for my tooth!
090: Puppy door stop
Puppy door stop.
091: Open
In the yard
Mardi Gras Fun
Mardi Gras Fun
092: Mardi Gras Fun
Mardi Gras masks
Lone Star Bock
Lone Star Bock
