Making it happen Monday: One thing at a time

173: Planning my daySurely everyone has seen the movie, What About Bob, in which the highly dependent and obsessive-compulsive Bob (Bill Murray) follows his psychiatrist, Dr. Leo Marvin (Richard Dreyfuss) on his family vacation. The events that occur are comedy gold, especially when ultimately it’s Leo who ends up losing his mind and being the one needing psychiatric care.  Now, I’m not here to write about going crazy — though some days I think I might be just moments away from it! — but about the element in the movie of Dr. Leo’s book “Baby Steps”  and the fact that he encourages Bob to take “baby steps” into anything he is afraid to do.

“…baby step onto the elevator… baby step into the elevator… I’m *in* the elevator.”

Sometimes, I think of that when I get overwhelmed. Baby steps. One thing at a time.

Yesterday, I felt myself on the verge of being overwhelmed. I have a couple projects on my plate right now — projects I am thankful for! — and several more in limbo waiting for me to handle them as soon as possible. As I looked at my to do list, looked around my house and the every-day maintenance it needed, and my calendar coming up, I started to freak out a little bit.

And then… then I just started. One thing at a time. It’s all I could do. One thing at a time. Baby steps.

The overwhelmed feeling subsided. I started to enjoy what I was doing. And ultimately… I still have a lot to do. But its still less that it was before. And that… that’s called making it happen.


Photo Share: May 26 – June 1

photosharebuttonPhoto Share is my personal replacement for Weekly Winners, since that link exchange is no longer happening. It’s just my own challenge to take great photos through the week, as it gives me a venue to share some of them on this blog. Consider it my own little P.S. on the week before.

Photos this week taken with my Sony DSLR A230. Edited using Lightroom 3… or using my Droid Razr and Instagram. You can probably figure out which is which.

Loveless Cafe Stop
Loveless Cafe

Loveless Cafe Stop
Blue skies reflections

Natchez Trace: Water Valley Overlook
See for miles

Natchez Trace: Water Valley Overlook
The ride

Natchez Trace: Water Valley Overlook

Natchez Trace

201: Lime time
Lime time

Lime time
Green is good

203: Let it rain
Let it rain
