All posts by Denise

Off Topic: I love my city

I never say it enough. I love my city.

I grew up a small town girl. 3A high school graduate. Living in the country until college. And even then, I went to college in… what you’d pretty much STILL call a small town in a way. (A small city, perhaps?) Believing myself to be that small town kid for life, I was surprised how the pull of the city tugged at me. I knew for YEARS I’d end up in Nashville eventually. I just figured it would be via Dallas, Texas, first. But, instead I skipped the middle step and went from small town to “big city.”

Here is the craziest thing of it all, though. I have more friends here than I ever did “back home.” Sure, my closest friends — the ones dearest to my heart and that I confide in most — come from years of experiences in our small town(s). But the sheer number of people I know now boggles my mind some times. And I am constantly making new friends and acquaintances.

A step beyond that, I’ve found I love to keep my finger on the pulse of the city. No, I don’t know everything that is happening. But I like to have a general idea of things that are happening. Simply because I love my city!

It’s so funny how… I will always feel Small Town Texas to be my home, but I have this love for Nashville. I think the skyline is beautiful. I love the general vibe it has. This has become home now, and… it makes me happy. It’s where I belong now.

That lonely weekend…

I’m supposed to be good at this.

Then why am I sitting here going, “Okay, its time for him to come home?”

I guess I’m just out of practice? Or perhaps its the fact that its a long weekend, so his absence this weekend seems more poignant? Though I’ve spend my birthday alone before. Last year he left on Thanksgiving. This shouldn’t matter. Those weren’t big deals. This shouldn’t be.

No, I guess no matter how much of a “pro” I fancy myself, sometimes you just miss your spouse. And I do miss him more than usual right now. How will I be in a couple weeks when he’s out of the country!? Well… granted… I already have plans to look forward to during that time, so that’ll help. Different circumstances all the way around with that, really.

And really, that’s what it all comes down to. I told him the other day that, “Time passes slower here than it does where you are.” Meaning, he’s so busy that time flies by… whereas while I am busy doing things here at home, I’m still at home. And the time seems to drag by at times.

Perception. That’s a big thing that is hard to adjust for each side of an equation. In a lot of ways, this has been a short run. Heck, had he stayed with his last employer I would have hardly seen him this entire summer. So I am ultimately grateful, and I know he’ll be home in just over a day and a half.

I think myself a pro… but even pros have their moments.

Baby you need to come home
There’s a little bit of something me
In everything in you…