Tag Archives: cooking

No meat days

Lent is a time of preparation for Easter. A period of time in which vices are given up, and/or better habits are begun. Ash Wednesday and every Friday of Lent, those who participate refrain from eating meat.

I always used to say I could be a vegetarian easy, because I always like the side dishes better than whatever meat I had in front of me. Then, Lent would arrive and I’d find it hard to not eat meat! This year, I’ve decided I want to really embrace this challenge. Make really good meatless meals for myself and my family.

Today, I made grilled cheese and tomato sandwiches for lunch. Oh they were soooooo good. I’m not a HUGE tomato fan. I like them on sandwiches and in dishes. But I tend to pick them out of salads, and I’m not really someone who will eat them alone. (Except fresh out of the garden with some sugar on them. That’s good!) However, on grilled cheese they are THE best thing ever. So. So. So good.

Then tonight, I cooked off tilapia, with rice and green beans. I’m no longer afraid of cooking fish! Up until about a month ago, I shied away from it. Now? I want to try to cook everything!

Growing up, we’d have meatless spaghetti often during Lent. Salmon coquettes, too. Breakfast for supper was also always a treat during Lent!

This Lent, I’ve decided that, instead of “giving things up” I want to “make things better.” I’m throwing myself into this food challenge to hopefully find new and healthy recipes to have even past Lent.

So I ask you… what are some of your favorite Lenten menu ideas? Do you have any meatless recipes you like and think I should try?