Tag Archives: goals

Cutting back the Fat Tuesday

Mardi Gras, literally “Fat Tuesday,” has grown in popularity in recent years as a raucous, sometimes hedonistic event. But its roots lie in the Christian calendar, as the “last hurrah” before Lent begins on Ash Wednesday.

— Taken from American Catholic Website

I gotta admit… Mardi Gras intrigues me. I’ve never been to New Orleans. I’ve never flashed anyone for beads. I’ve never stuffed myself silly. I have, though, had a King Cake before. So I’ve got that going for me (which is nice.)

However, I have regularly given something up for Lent. If I recall correctly, I gave up beer last year. A few years I gave up candy. I’ve tried to “list something I am thankful for” every day of lent, but usually ended up failing miserably. So some years I’ve just said, “I’m going to try to do better in general.”

This year, I am still being fairly broad in my Lenten sacrifice, but I’m doing so with some clear cut plans.

  • Cut back to 1 soda a day, or as close as possible. I can easily down multiple cans of soda a day, if I am not careful. I need to cut that back for many reasons, so probably my biggest challenge will be to cut it back to 1 a day. (I’m not totally cutting it out because sometimes a soda is the only thing that will settle an upset tummy for me.)
  • Drink more water. I’m already doing that with the purchase of my new water bottle! I refill it multiple times a day now, so I know I’m drinking a lot more water than before.
  • Stop eating when I am full. This was never a problem back in the day! But somewhere along the way, I’ve gotten to where I eat well past “full.” I want my old habit back!
  • Eat only when I am hungry. I’ve gotten into the habit of eating just because it seems like a good thing to do. To curb this, I want to start munching on something like sunflower seeds that gives me the feel of eating without the super-crazy calories! And, besides, if I am not hungry, just don’t eat! Its that simple!

I’d love to be several pounds lighter by Easter. Oh I’m doing fine weight-wise, really. Well within my normal BMI. This is a personal health goal to avoid falling into a pattern that won’t be as easy to stop in the future. (And, really, I want to lose the muffin top, ok?)

Healthier habits for a healthier me!

Creating a new goal for myself

I went to church tonight. I’m embarrassed to admit its the first time I’ve been all year. I’m pretty sure its the first time I’ve been since Christmas. That’s really not like me, to miss mass in this big of a block. I guess to my defense, I AM living these days just trying to catch up, so I guess I should say I am grateful to finally catch up with church!

This weekend’s Gospel was about being fishers of men, and the homily was about how we help one another. With faith that things will work out, we reach out and help our fellow man and as such, we become fisher’s of men in God’s name. That probably isn’t as clear as I mean for it to be, but I think the idea is still there.

A pastor I had through high school pushed using your “time, talents and treasures” to help others. Tonight’s homily made me think of that, and I felt like it went hand in hand with that idea.

I’ve found ideas I have when I’m in church tend to be ones I need to run with… God speaks a little clearer when you’re in a church, after all. I’ve been wanting to write more on faith with a heavier hand toward religion for awhile. After all, writing about it would be using my time, talents and treasures! I really haven’t wanted to do that in this blog, though, and I’ve also felt a lot of fear towards doing it.

However, I’ve decided to start a second blog strictly for my thoughts on God and religion and faith. Like I said, I’ve felt fear about this. It is going to be a big step out of my comfort zone. I’ve sworn for a long time that I wouldn’t talk too much about religion since its so personal to each individual. Its so personal to me, that’s for sure! However, I will strive to keep the blog open and uplifting, but in the same breath be honest and (somewhat) blunt.

It’s a new goal for me! It’ll also be a new challenge… one I am most certainly ready to attempt.