30 Bound: The first fourth

30 Bound

I’m three months in to the journey towards 30, one-fourth of the way there. I’ve always said I wasn’t afraid of turning 30; I have looked forward to it. My 30s will rock!

But I have to admit.

It feels a little weird.

I still remember, when 30 was old…
Strawberry Wine, Deana Carter

I heard that line the other day, and it was pretty much an “Oh Sh–” moment. Thank heavens 30 isn’t old, but it does seem to come with this feeling of maturity. Or this feeling like there SHOULD be a higher level of maturity when your ages flips another decade.

And I guess… I’m definitely creeping in that direction. I don’t know that it has much to do with age as a number so much as age in experiences. I’d venture to guess that the economy and the state of this country — of this whole world! — has aged all of us drastically.  It just happened to land at a “milestone” in my life.

So do I have anything exciting to report for these first three months? Not really. Just lots of lessons learned, and other lessons further hammered home. I’m taking every day one day at a time. I’m living on faith. I’m attempting to find more patience. I’m approaching everything with a shift in focus. Certain things I’m giving a lot more attention and focus, and other things I’m learning to let roll off my back.

I’m taking stock of the relationships in my life; I’m realizing my own personal value. I’m counting my blessings. I’m cutting my losses.

Ready or not, here I come.

– 30 –