Back to reality

My little vacation ended as of today. For the last week, I unplugged heavily and enjoyed having my parents visit. I continued to post in my various locations — Facebook, Twitter, here, etc. — but if anyone pays much attention they probably noticed that my volume of interaction decreased dramatically. That was because I wanted to enjoy my company. I wanted to live in the moment more. I loved it.

However, today, my parents headed home to Texas. Last I talked to my mom, they were over half-way home. I’m always sad to see them leave, and I know they aren’t ever in a hurry to go either. But that’s a good thing! I’d hate it if they couldn’t wait to leave! That would be a serious bummer and would throw off all kinds of alarm bells.

No, it is just time to get back to work. They have their business to run, and I have my own to continue to build. While they were here, we did nail down a lot of projects I’ve had lined up to tackle. When I finish this post, I plan to pull out a spiral notebook and really outline my various projects. Outline my goals. Outline a game plan.

I am a HUGE fan of to do lists these days. It’s too easy to let things slide without a list, or its too easy to let little projects come ahead of big projects because you don’t realize the massiveness of those projects.

Like I said, I am always sad to say good bye to my parents. I have this incredible relationship with them that I cherish deeply. It was fun to take an impromptu vacation at home, and it was good for me to let my hair down and put my worries and stresses aside.Now I feel more prepared to move forward with a clearer head and clearer mission. I had said that I was letting August be like a new start for me, and it really has been! I’m running with that, and keeping a positive focus on everything.

4 thoughts on “Back to reality”

    1. Y’know, I think that’s exactly as it should be. I don’t ever want to get blasé about it. It makes me sad the people who don’t have great relationships with their parents. I know I treasure mine!

    1. Awww… That’s interesting, though! Do you think its a case of your now being where they were when you left? Something of a new understanding? Or it just is what it is? Just curious… *hugs*

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