
001: Happy Birthday


I turned 31 years old today. And I have to say… 30 was a good age!

I’d looked forward to my 30s since my mid-20s. I know, weird, right? But I always felt my 30s would be the years that I settled in to life. I figured out where I was headed and got there. It would be my banner decade of life.

And so far? It’s going that direction. In the last 365 days, I’ve suddenly felt a lot of wisdom about things: financially and career-wise. I’ve started to build a confidence in my career goals, and in the same breath I’ve found a want to do anything it takes to get there. Its not the whole, “Oh this is what I want so it should happen right NOW” mindset that I think I had an element of previously. No, now its more, “This is what I want, and I need to learn how to get there… and then DO THAT.”

So, within that fact, my 30s have, already in the first year of it, been a journey of wonderfully positive proportions. In fact at this rate, 31 should be even better! And here is hoping I am right about that.

Happy Birthday to me! Happy Birthday to me! Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday. Happy Birthday to me!