Wordless Wednesday Weekly Winners

Started by the lovely Lotus, Weekly Winners is a fun little thing bloggers do to showcase some of their favorite photos from the previous week.

Visit Lotus’ site and check out her various entries, and find other participants. See some amazing photos brought to you by bloggers around the world. Leave a little love when you do — its like food for the soul!


Photos taken using my Droid Razr, Nikon Coolpix L20 or Sony DSLR A230.
View all of my photos on my Flickr stream.


Nashville Skyline

Silver Dollar Saloon

336: Bokeh Fun

Bokeh Fun

340: Cable

Nic and Craig

Nic on drums

Shane, Joe and Ger

Chillin' in my boots

Waylon Wisdom

341: Scary bat

342: Lighted pumpkin



Church pewsI went to church tonight. I haven’t been in months… “too busy” or “it doesn’t fit in my schedule.”

I like keeping my Saturdays low key. Or I should say I LIKED keeping my Saturday’s low key.

Then football season began… and my Saturdays exploded. Suddenly I was darting across town to attend the game watching parties I organized. And it hit me one day.

All these past months, I’ve been “too busy to go to church.” But suddenly I wasn’t too busy to go to a football game. There was something wrong here. Very wrong.

So tonight, I put my focus where it should have been all along. Back on going to church. And it was amazing. I needed that.

This world has become more and more confusing. I blame the Presidential election for much of the confusion, but I also blame just being busy. Everyone trying to cover way too many bases at one time. I need to be in three places at once.

But in that hour. I needed to be only in that one place, focused on what is truly most important.

I left church feeling much more peaceful that I have in awhile. I left feeling somewhat ashamed that I’d been so absent for so long… failing to make it the priority it should be. I left vowing to come back as soon as I can. No more going months on end without attending church. No more losing that focus.