As promised a few weeks ago, more photos from around my hometown. See part one, HERE.
CH Yoe High SchoolCH Yoe High School — Old Main. This is where I had most of MY classes as a student at Yoe HighCH Yoe High School — New Main Yoe. I’ve only been in this building once and its kinda amazing.Where dreams are made under the Friday Night LightsYeah, we have a pretty good football program.Rainbow over the Milam County MuseumMilam County MuseumMilam County Museum
Rainbows and railroadsCameron, TXCameron Country Club
Note: If you should happen to be interested in a copy of any of these images as a canvas print, mousepad, framed photo, etc. Please just let me know! I also take requests of images you might wish to see/have. I’d be happy to see if we can work something out!