Surely I’m not the only person who can’t get out of the Father’s Day card aisle with dry eyes, right? Because going through all those cards for dad’s sure got blurry on me, and it wasn’t allergies!
No, I am a tried and true Daddy’s Girl, and I’m very proud to say that.
See, my dad is the best. I keep writing and rewriting what to say next, because I just don’t know where to start!
My dad loves me unconditionally. Both of my parents do, and for that fact I am forever and ever thankful. It gives me this wonderful base to grow from, lean on and feel confident in at all times. I know they accept me and love me no matter what.
I know that if I fall down, I don’t have to look far for a hug and a hand up. I know if I fail they will be there to catch me and support me and help me learn from that mistake and failure. Do you know how very comforting that is to know?
Dad has taught me so much about life, and with those lessons I feel confident in my ability to be successful. He’s taught me about business. He’s taught me about people. He’s taught me how to treat others. He’s taught me how to expect others to treat me.
He’s taught me to keep an eye on those gauges in my truck. He’s taught me to check my tires. He taught me to drive like everyone else is an idiot (and they usually ARE.) He’s taught me the importance of having a reliable vehicle in general.
He taught me how to be self-sufficient, even in those “guy jobs” I often don’t have to do (but could if I had to.)
He has shown me the importance of faith and God. A huge lesson I got is that God comes first, and it’s a lesson that has stuck with me to this day. Even as I admittedly fall down in executing that, letting work and other tasks keep me from making it to church as often as I should.
My dad is also my friend. I can’t begin to describe how much I cherish and remember our times talking over coffee back when I was in college (or there abouts.) I learned so much family history and heard so many stories as we sat and talked. I hope he knows how much I loved those chances that we had, and I do hope we get to do it again some time.
My dad taught me what to expect from a man, and he taught me not to settle. He showed me that real men cook and do dishes. He showed me real men don’t think of jobs in the male/female sense, and that you should just do what needs to be done. He showed me how to put your family first while never giving up on your dreams.
He gave my now-husband a stern talking-to when my husband asked my Dad for permission to marry me. And I love the great lengths he and my Mom went to hide the fact that a proposal was on the way.
But more than all of this, I love my Dad and he loves me and all of our family. And I absolutely know how very, very blessed I am.
Daddy’s girl? Oh yes. And I so wish I was spending this day with him…
I would be sorely remiss not to send a special Happy Father’s Day shout out to my big brother… he blows me away every single day by how much he loves his family and cares for them. He is without a doubt an amazing, amazing Dad. And I couldn’t be prouder of him.
O.K., who needs the tissues now, and I don’t mean for the allergies I have been fighting the past couple of weeks? Thank you for this blog and the Father’s Day wishes. This means sooooo much to me. I love you and am very proud of the woman you are. I likewise wish we could be together today but we hold each other in our heart’s, so all is good. Thank you…Thank you…