All posts by Denise

Too busy with my own life…

A little peek into my world: I get a majority of my daily news from 3 AM to about 5:30 AM. National news for an hour; local news for a little over an hour. Then I go to bed.

So sometimes I sit here, staring at a blank “Add New Post” page, grasping for a topic idea. Tonight was one of those nights. Seeping from my TV behind me into my conscious brain the words, “Casey Anthony trial” stood out. And I cringed.

I suppose this trial is the OJ Simpson trial of this decade. And just like I did with that trial, I’ve paid little attention. Why? Because I am just too busy with my own life. I haven’t the time nor interest in spending hours on end watching a trial or studying the various nuances of it.

Frankly, I feel for the jury. No matter how they come back from deliberations, people are going to be angry. And I don’t mean people within in the courtroom, I mean people in the general public. The ones who HAVE spent so many hours studying the case and who have drawn their conclusion. People are passionate about their opinions in this case. I just the other night overheard a heated argument between people about the trial!

A quick skim of news articles about the trial netted me one with the headline, “Casey Anthony Fans Send Money for Her to Spend in Jail.” Another, “No verdict, but locals starting to react” talking about law enforcement plans to try to keep the peace whenever the verdict is delivered. I, myself, know of people planning verdict parties for this case!

I am sure Twitter will light up as soon as the news comes out: guilty or not guilty. That’s probably how I’ll find out. I’ll be one of those who goes, “Huh.” and move on. Because as I said, I’m just too busy in my own life to follow it closely. I’m sure I’ll pay attention to my early morning news the next day to get an idea of what was decided by the jurors, mostly so I can speak at least a little intelligently about it to someone else who is passionate in their opinion.

So tell me… are you passionate about this trial? If so, I welcome your opinion on it! Or are you like me, and its barely a blip on your radar? Please tell me I’m not the only person not paying  much attention!