All posts by Denise

End of the world? Not quite.

Well, if you’re reading this, I assume the world hasn’t ended. #RaptureFail indeed.


Ahhhh… we make light of it. I think we kind of have to, at this point. For one thing, I think a lot of people believe this bible verse:

But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. -Mark 13:32

Predictions about the end of the world have been made my countless philosophers, radicals, and “church leaders.” But at the end of the day, it stands that no one truly knows when it’ll happen. I could be tomorrow. It could be a thousand years from now. We DON’T know. And when anyone so staunchly believes they know the time and date… well, it’s hard to take them seriously for that reason alone.

Further, I have to confess, I feel my stomach clinch at talk of “the end of the world.” Just as it clinches when I stop to think about any time I’ve possibly had a close call on the road, or if I think about the potential of a plane crash, etc. Because I think we all always have things we want to do. Or people we want just one more minute with… to say good bye to…

Things I want to do before my last day:

  • Make sure my family knows how very much I love them. My husband, my parents, my brother and his family… everyone.
  • Make sure my friends know how much I cherish them all.
  • See my words in print (besides newspaper). I have had a passion for writing for too long in life to not be published some day.
  • Find my niche in the photography world.
  • Make a difference.
  • Help my husband knock off more items on his to-do list.
  • See my nephew be a part of a cure for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy.
  • REALLY start my own business.
  • Be a mom.
  • Never stop feeling young.

There is plenty more things, but that’s a few things, in no particular order. I guess some would call it a Bucket List. I just call it a path I want to ensure I stay on in life. So whether I am here when the world does end, or its just my time, I know I’ve lived the best I knew how to live.

Positive habits reborn

I’ve recently gotten on a big health kick. And by recent I mean, this week. But in just a week, I’ve picked up some positive habits I had “back in the day” that I let slide over time.

They are:

  • Getting at least a half an hour of exercise every day. Even if its nothing more than making sure I am on my feet doing SOMETHING for that length of time. Too often I find myself chained to the desk sitting for hours on end. That’s not good for my posture or anything else. My goal is to work up a good sweat every day, but if not… at least know I’ve made a conscious effort to get up and get moving.
  • Reading a book. I like to read, but I’m making an effort to read a little bit out of a BOOK every day. Don’t give me those e-readers and whatnot. Its too much like being on a computer. I want a book that I can touch and smell. That I have to have a bookmark to hold my place at the end of every day.
  • Classical music. I forgot what a HUGE collection of classical music I have. I dug the CDs out and threw them in the CD player. What a wonderfully relaxing thing to do… lets me meditate and just pulls this wonderful blanket of relaxation over me.
  • Healthy eating. I know I can’t live on salads alone, but I’m doing something pretty darn close these days! Give me fresh fruits and vegetables, please! Love ’em.
  • Vitamins. I’ve never really been a “take your vitamins” girl. Until I started reading the wonderful health benefits of Vitamin C. Now I’m a vitamin poppin’ lady, and I am feeling FANTASTIC for it.
  • Sunshine. I know the dangers of too much sun and skin cancer. But I also know the health benefits. Not only Vitamin D, but just the emotional benefits! This past week has been SO dreary, but the last two days… sunshine! I have made sure to get outside for awhile and soak up some rays. I’m not a lay-out-in-it kind of gal, so I try to match it up with my exercise. Double win!
  • Get enough sleep. I am still a night owl to the -nth degree… however, I’m remembering that that arbitrary get-up-by-this-time isn’t so steadfast. I work from home on my own hours. If I didn’t get enough sleep, by golly I’m going to roll over and take some more time! If I DO have to get up for any reason, you can bet I’m going to sneak a nap in somewhere. Sleep does the body GOOD.
  • Water. I have my trusty water bottle, and I make sure I have to refill it at LEAST once a day… preferably twice.

I hope I can keep with this program. Its only been a week, but already I am noticing differences in my mood, mindset and body. Such simple little changes can make a really huge difference.