Category Archives: goals

When I grow up, I…

…want to be a writer. I love words. I’ve always loved words.

I love painting pictures with words. I love telling a story. I love bringing things to life for others with my words. Come on a trip with me, as I tell you my story. I want to encourage you. I want to inspire you. I want to make you laugh. I want to bring tears to your eyes.

I want to be a published author. I want to be a successful blogger. I want to see my name in print behind the word “by.” I want to be a writer when I grow up.

… want to be a photographer. I love to take pictures. I love to capture a moment.

I love to search for a different perspective. I love to make the ordinary pretty. I love to be behind the lens, looking at you from a macro or a zoom. I want to make you say, “Wow!”

I want to take photos at weddings. I want to take photos at concerts. I want to take portraits. I want to take landscapes. I want to take the obscure. I want to see my name in the corner of a print on the wall. I want to be a photographer when I grow up.

… want to be a counselor. I love to study people and their interactions. I’m a listener, and I care.

I don’t see myself going for a degree in counseling, but that doesn’t mean I can’t find a way to still do this. I like to listen and aid others. I like to be a study of people. I find relationships fascinating, and I like the psychology behind them.

More than anything, I want to help others. Even if all I do is listen. I can be a sounding board. I can avoid giving advice until its requested. I want to be a counselor when I grow up.

… want to be a Mom. I thought I’d already be one, but life has a way of showing you how little you are in control.

I was on the fence about having children for years. And still, the idea of being in charge of a little one scares me! But now? Now I definitely do want to be a Mom. I want to experience this joy that all my Mommy friends tell me about… this love, and this adventure.

It still scares me. Financially. Emotionally. Logistically (to a degree). But more than that, it excites me. I want to be a Mom when I grow up.

… want to be the best person I can be. I want to keep to my values. I want to know I did my best.

Two of my greatest fears: letting myself down and letting those closest to me down. I’ve always strived to be the best me I could be, and within that, always be true to myself.

I love knowing I’ve done my best. I love standing behind my work, behind my opinions, behind those I love, behind everything I do. I want to look back on life and have no regrets. I want to know I’ve been the best person I can be when I grow up.

End of the world? Not quite.

Well, if you’re reading this, I assume the world hasn’t ended. #RaptureFail indeed.


Ahhhh… we make light of it. I think we kind of have to, at this point. For one thing, I think a lot of people believe this bible verse:

But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. -Mark 13:32

Predictions about the end of the world have been made my countless philosophers, radicals, and “church leaders.” But at the end of the day, it stands that no one truly knows when it’ll happen. I could be tomorrow. It could be a thousand years from now. We DON’T know. And when anyone so staunchly believes they know the time and date… well, it’s hard to take them seriously for that reason alone.

Further, I have to confess, I feel my stomach clinch at talk of “the end of the world.” Just as it clinches when I stop to think about any time I’ve possibly had a close call on the road, or if I think about the potential of a plane crash, etc. Because I think we all always have things we want to do. Or people we want just one more minute with… to say good bye to…

Things I want to do before my last day:

  • Make sure my family knows how very much I love them. My husband, my parents, my brother and his family… everyone.
  • Make sure my friends know how much I cherish them all.
  • See my words in print (besides newspaper). I have had a passion for writing for too long in life to not be published some day.
  • Find my niche in the photography world.
  • Make a difference.
  • Help my husband knock off more items on his to-do list.
  • See my nephew be a part of a cure for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy.
  • REALLY start my own business.
  • Be a mom.
  • Never stop feeling young.

There is plenty more things, but that’s a few things, in no particular order. I guess some would call it a Bucket List. I just call it a path I want to ensure I stay on in life. So whether I am here when the world does end, or its just my time, I know I’ve lived the best I knew how to live.