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Limerick time

Today’s Me You Health Daily Challenge was to write a limerick. So in light of my last post:

There once was a girl who did blog
Whose inspiration got lost in the fog
So she threw her hands in the air
And said, “I couldn’t create on a dare!”
So she fed all her notes to her dog

I hope it made you chuckle… it did to me!

Have a wonderful Friday, everyone!!

One more night…


I love the cool colors of purple, green and blue. Here it is “Fat Tuesday” and green and purple can be seen everywhere.

This is my last night in Nashville before I head back to Texas to continue working tax season. I opted to stay for Fat Tuesday because, well, its fun! I have no plans to get drunk. I have no plans to run through the streets flashing people. I have no wild and crazy plans whatsoever. But I am looking forward to great music and one last evening with friends.

I have several ideas in mind for Lent… What to give up or do over the next 40 days… And I’ll talk about that another time.

For now, I plan to enjoy myself. Live and love life. And just be.

Have a safe Fat Tuesday everyone!