Tag Archives: five on friday

Five on Friday: Aug. 7, 2015

I haven’t done a Five on Friday since May. Today’s a good time to share some things on my brain… direct from a coffee shop, even!


1. I read once that married people tend to be healthier than single people. I always did understand that, but I understand it more in this moment. My husband has been on the road for a week, and and I am living inside of my head too much. I’ve convinced myself my teeth are falling out, a cut is going to get infected and I’ll lose my hand, a mole had melanoma, and I might be on the verge of a heart attack at any time. Are any of these true? Doubtful. But when you don’t have that person to keep you sane, you can pretty much convince yourself of anything.

(By the way, I might have exaggerated all of these a bit, but whatever. Only one of these have I truly stressed over. Okay two of them. No, I won’t tell you which ones.)

2. I love that everyone is so interested in our opening a bar. I do. But I have to confess, there are times I find myself tensing up when asked about it. Because its just so much that goes into it to do this the right way, and I always feel like everyone thinks we’re dragging our feet. And while I strive not to worry about what others think, its kinda hard sometimes not to notice. If I could wave a wand and the bar be open, I would. But I can’t. So its baby steps the whole way.

3. The big golf tournament is in ONE WEEK. I’m so excited for it!! I seriously have come to love and deeply respect everyone involved in this tournament, and I am honored to call them friends. And CASA? I’m so glad this organization came into my life. They’re absolutely amazing.

4. My nephew took senior portraits today. It feels like yesterday, I was in high school running around on cloud nine that he’d been born. And now he’s a senior. And my niece is a freshman. I know I’m still young… ish. But man this makes me feel old in a way. But also very, very proud of them.

5. My summertime guilty pleasure is watching Big Brother. This season has really amped up my fascination with human interaction and psychology. Plus, the After Dark feeds makes me feel not quite so lonely when my husband is on the road. It’s just my summer thing, and not generally noteworthy. But I have to say one thing this week: WHAT THE HELL CLAY!?


Five on Friday: June 5, 2015

I don’t often write in this blog specifically about life as a Musician’s Widow, but this week life just begs for me to do it!


1. As per my last blog entry, I flew home from Texas. What I did put in that post was that I ALMOST had an experience of changing truck keys in the airport as my husband flew OUT. My husband is not only a musician, he’s also a bus driver. He received a call the day before for an immediate replacement driver being needed for a couple of days this week. The catch: we didn’t know when he was leaving, nor when he’d be home. There was a very good chance he’d fly out  before I landed, or maybe we’d actually cross paths at the airport. It’s happened before! However, we got lucky and actually did have the evening together before he headed out the next morning.


2. I replaced the toilet seat. I heard you snicker over there. But this was a big deal to me. The toilet seat came undone a few weeks ago, and my husband and I have been running enough that it just got left. I got tired of it, though. So I went to the store, bought a new seat and replaced it. By myself. To some people, this is no big deal. To me, it was a huge deal and worth noting.


3. I handled getting the emissions testing done and the tags replaced on our new-to-us truck. Now, I realized it after the fact that I HAD to be the one to do this as it’s in my name. But at the time I was all proud of myself that it’s a job my husband would normally  do, and instead I was doing it all by myself. Let it be known though that in my opinion, Texas State Inspections are way better than Tennessee Emissions Testing. Not that anyone really cares that I think that.

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4. My husband’s passport needs to be renewed. Like, two months ago needs to be renewed. And because he does tour outside of the country (and leaves in a week and a half to do so) its panic time. But if anyone knows me, they know I’m a research addict and love figuring out how to handle problems. I want to give a huge shout out of thanks to THIS BLOG POST for helping me understand what we need to do. So far, following his suggestions, it should work out just fine. We’ll be cutting it close, but it’s doable.  Let’s just say we’re going to be road tripping soon to handle this situation, and weird as it sounds… I’m kinda excited for it. I’ll blog about it next week. Stay tuned…

5. My final note isn’t really on this same theme, but I’m crazy proud of how my many yard projects have grown. I’ve never been a gardener. Green thumb? Not hardly. But something has happened this year, and I am loving time in my yard. I’m loving weeding the garden, watering my many flowers, etc. Now I understand when people say it’s therapeutic. They’re absolutely right.

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Have a great weekend, y’all!
