Tag Archives: memories

Accomplishment recalled

Writing prompt today from Daily Challenge by Me You Health: Recall 1 event or accomplishment that made you feel proud of yourself when you were younger.Think of an event or accomplishment that made you feel very proud when you were younger. Perhaps it was acing a test that was very difficult, setting a new record for your school’s team, or landing your first-ever job. Take a few moments to recall how it felt and what people said to (and about!) you.Why it matters: Everyday adult life doesn’t always afford us opportunities to feel excited and proud the way our childhood and young adult years do. But by recalling and reveling in some of these moments, it can underscore everything you’re capable of. It may even motivate you to seek out and take on new challenges.

Your freshman year of high school can be challenging. The transition from junior high to high school is a big jump, and the pressure is on to be successful. The next four years can make or break what happens upon graduation. Will you get into college? Will you fall short?

Past that, there is the social side of high school that is just one big stressball as well.

My freshman year, I discovered Journalism, and I competed in Journalism UIL. (University Interscholastic League is explained here.) I took 3rd place in Headline Writing at the District Level, moving me to Regionals.

The crazy-long bus ride to Kingsville, TX, paid off with a 1st place finish and a trip to State competition. I will never, ever, ever forget seeing friends running full speed down the hallway at me, holding up a #1 for me to see. I will never forget shrieking with shock and glee as we all crashed into big bear hugs. Such an amazing, amazing moment.

That State competition? Yeah, I took home 2nd place. Not bad, huh?

I still remember the award ceremony at the end of the school year, where everyone was acknowledged for various successes that school year. It took forever for the principal to read off my UIL awards, and he ended it with, “And she’s a FRESHMAN!”

I wish I could say my next three years stood up to the my freshman year… but I still think back on those wins with a smile. I still have my medals, and they still remind me of my abilities. Hey, I’m still writing!

Made me happy

Writing prompt today from Daily Challenge by Me You Health: Share 3 small things that made you happy when you were a child or teenager.Think back to your childhood or teen years and share three little things that made you ridiculously happy. Was it making a phone call to a favorite aunt or uncle you didn’t talk to often? A food that knocked your socks off the first time you tasted it? A memorable trip to a museum? If it brought a grin to your young face, it belongs on the list. *I’m currently on a “Finding Fulfillment” track on Daily Challenge (a site that gives you a daily challenge to promote everyday well-being).

Childhood… when things are simpler and you’re clueless to how amazing the simplicity is. This prompt has left me filing through memories for a long time, trying to choose the best answers to share.

Books. I wish I read even half as much as I did as a kid. I devoured books like they were candy. And even long after I could read, Mom would read to me before sleep. No matter how sleepy she was, she’d read to me. As I got older, we transitioned to chapter books. I still remember when she read Where the Red Fern Grows and even my brother would come and listen as she’d read a chapter or two. Treasured, treasured memories.

Playing until dark. I can’t imagine spending all my summer in front of a TV playing video games or on the computer playing computer games. I remember playing outside until dark, and still not wanting to go inside. Swinging on the swings. Playing make-believe games, writing stories in my head as I went along. Playing basketball or any number of made-up games with my brother. Oh the carefree feeling of playing for hours on end!

Hotel stays. Call me silly, but I hardly remember trips to Six Flags, etc. It’s the hotel stays that I remember! Even though I really couldn’t swim, I looked forward to a hotel pool every summer. I wanted to jump in the pool the minute we checked in, and I think I’d have stayed in the water until the pool closed, if could have. We didn’t have cable when I was a kid. I grew up with CBS, ABC, NBC, PBS and (eventually) FOX. Sometimes when people my age talk about shows they liked as a kid, they receive a blank stare from me because I didn’t get the stations they got. However, any time we went on vacation and stayed in a hotel, I’d fight sleep to watch Nick-at-Night. Mr. Ed, The Patty Duke Show, and The Many Loves of Dobie Gillis are favorites of mine to this day because of those nights at a hotel.

I could list countless more memories that make me smile! This is so much fun! Definitely brought a smile to my face.

What about you… what are three of YOUR happy memories?