Wayback Wednesday: Engagement Announcement

Five years ago today, our engagement announcement ran in my hometown newspaper…

*text removed for privacy reasons, of course

Awww… look at us! Warm fuzzies looking at that right there. As silly as it sounds, this engagement announcement was a big deal to me. We’d been engaged since the previous December, so after almost a year… it was time! Plus, I just loved looking at engagement announcements in my hometown newspaper. I loved looking for people I knew getting married, and it just made me excited to see ME in it!  Cheesy? Perhaps. But I couldn’t help it! It was me! I was getting married! EEK! Yay! And five years later, I still remember that feeling well, and it still makes me smile from ear to ear.


October went by crazy fast for me. I was just BUSY, and as we jump into November with both feet I’m still busy!

Last month, it was busy downtown. I picked up a lot of nights in the bar — something that paid off really well, and I am SO grateful for that fact. It’s left me on a total vampire schedule (I just can’t flip flop like most people!), but its also left me feeling very satisfied with the feeling of hard work done well.

Now, though, my workload is completely different. I have a lot of stuff I need to handle for my parent’s business — research in products and stuff. I have a CD cover to design, like, yesterday. I have a friend looking to start a blog and wants me to help him with the design of it. I am trying to do NaNoWriMo. And I’m just looking to enjoy my birthday month and Thanksgiving!

BUSY! That is me.

And I plan to love every moment of it.