
Last night, my husband and I went to see friends. I did a photoshoot for them, so I had my gear with me, which meant we took our truck instead of riding the motorcycle. My husband, however, wanted our friends to see the new bike so he put it on the trailer and we hauled it along with us.

On our way home, we stopped to grab something to drink. As my husband walked out, he got hit up by a man asking for money.

“You look like you’re doing pretty well off,” he said, gesturing to our truck and bike on the trailer behind it. Probably didn’t help that I was looking at Twitter on my smartphone at that moment as well. Heh.

My husband gave him a little money, and tried to walk away. The man kept asking for MORE money until someone else walked out of the store and he started to chase that made down.

We’ve worked hard to have what we have. We work hard to keep what we have. And it takes almost all of our income to do so. Assuming we have lots of liquid funds to just give someone just made me shake my head and sigh in frustration.

I told my husband that it reminded me of the time someone commented to me that they didn’t understand why a woman who was thin was going to run at the track.

“Look how tiny she is! She doesn’t need to go run!” they said.

All I could think was, “She’s thin BECAUSE she runs.” It absolutely baffled me that someone would assume because a person is thin, they didn’t need to work out. How do you think they got to be thin? How do you think they STAY thin? Its due to being diligent in their working out regularly.

Almost every day we all make assumptions. I know I do! I think its part of human nature. Sometimes, though, those assumptions should really be thought through a little better.

Perhaps we should ask ourselves if they are truly based in fact, or if they are based in jealousy or spite. Its something to think about, at least. It sure has gotten ME thinking…

Weekly Winners (July 22 – 29)

Started by the lovely Lotus, Weekly Winners is a fun little thing bloggers do to showcase some of their favorite photos from the previous week.

Visit Lotus’ site and check out her various entries, and find other participants. See some amazing photos brought to you by bloggers around the world. Leave a little love when you do — its like food for the soul!


Photos taken using my Droid Razr or a Sony DSLR A230.
View all of my photos on my Flickr stream.


I’m on the fence about continuing to do Weekly Winners, but I like having a way to showcase some of my more random photos. So… here goes…

256: Gas tank reflections
Gas tank reflections

257: Pink nose
Pink nose

Beer Mason Jar
Beer Mason Jar

261: Wall Lettering
Wall Lettering

Who needs a bow?
Who needs a bow?

263: Colorful straws
Colorful straws

Shower food
Shower food
