Dining solo

Had to come downtown early, so taking time to have dinner before work.

Before moving to Nashville, and marrying a touring musician, I had never gone out to eat alone. I wasn’t sure about it.

But now? No big deal. I feel like a stronger person for it. I can people watch.  I can blog on my phone.  I can read a book. Eating alone is not horrible!

How do you feel about eating out alone? Ever done it? Scared of it? Tell me!

[Booksneeze] — simple secrets to a happy life by Luci Swindoll

I am an optimistic person (on most days… though some mornings are debatable) and I am always looking for ways to keep the optimism alive. Let’s face it, we don’t live in the most optimistic world, given our economy, crime, etc. So, when I saw “simple secrets to a happy life” was an option to read for Booksneeze review, I jumped on it.

And then proceeded to be too busy to read it.

I finally stopped one night to start reading it, and I ended up devouring the book in one sitting.

Luci Swindoll takes the most simple 50 life lessons you could possibly get and shows the reader why they are important to living a happy life. No chapter — each a lesson — is any longer than three pages, but within those three pages she gives the lesson using real-life stories peppered with scripture, verse and/or hymn.

The lessons in this book are simple and many you’ve probably already learned but never thought about in depth. (At least that’s what happened to me!) I put the book down vowing to do better and take every lesson to heart and try to implement them into my life much more thoughtfully.

Would I recommend this book to others? Without a doubt. In fact it’s going to be on my short list of gift ideas for friends.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the BookSneeze®.com book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”