New Year Goals

I never have been one of make “New Years Resolutions.” I’m choosing to call them goals instead. I’ll be less likely to give up entirely when I slip up on them that way.

  1. Buy a house. I really want to spend next Christmas decorating a house we own. Put up a tree. Send out Christmas cards with a picture of us in front of our house. Paint the walls. Get some new furniture. All of that. Don’t get me wrong, I am very happy where we are. I do love this house, and our landlords are the best ever. I haven’t a single complaint about living where I do now. I’m just ready to take that step.
  2. Make at least $5K doing photography.  I’ve debated making that goal $10K, but I think I’ll be a little more realistic. I need to sit down and figure out what I made this year, but I think its around $700. So I’m looking to do more than 5x that in 2013. Totally doable, especially once I…
  3. Get my photography site up and running and active.
  4. Keep the blog going strong… Make a better effort to keep it updated regularly, and I want to come up with a set schedule of post-type for each day of the week. Like I want to keep photo sharing for the week on Sunday. #DrinkUpLinkUp is awesome on Thursday. Stuff like that.
  5. Be more patient. My patience level has dwindled through the year. I blame it on dealing with drunk people on a regular basis.
  6. Health: get dental work done, eyes checked, etc.
  7. Upgrade all our gear… my photography gear and hubby’s music gear. We’re in need of some upgrading. Soon.
  8. Exercise more. Just in general. I talked on Daily Challenge about doing the Color Run this year (if I am in town that day). It’s a possibility. Just be more active. I’ve done better in 2012 than I did in 2011. So keep that trend going.
  9. Organize. Organize. Organize. My home. My work. My activities. Just be more organized and less frazzled!
  10. Possibly start a family… or take the steps to do so. I’m not getting any younger!!




One thought on “New Year Goals”

  1. Great goals. :) I’m doing the same thing – goals instead of resolutions. Last year my goal was more positive, more aware, more in the moment, and it paid off! I’m definitely happier this time of the year compared to last January. For once I ended a year weighing the same as when I started it, rather than being 10lbs heavier at the end. Hopefully I’ll start reversing that trend and be 10lbs less (or even more than that) next December than I am right now.

    One thing I set up a few minutes ago is a spreadsheet to keep up with my “organized” exercise. It’ll motivate me on days I don’t want to do anything and it will help me see that I *am* doing something constructive in the ways of meeting my goals for fitness.

    Happy new year!

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