I’ve had a serious case of blog block as of late.
It’s not for lack of ideas! I constantly have blog ideas! The problem is that I open my blog, open a new post, and I just stare at the screen. I don’t know where to start, so I don’t. And the longer I fail to start, the harder it is to try to start the next day.
So, a few updates from the week…
Really excited about an upcoming photoshoot. I can already tell its going to be a ton of fun, and that, for me, is half the battle of any photoshoot. I want them to be fun! And this one will be, I am certain.
I’m in serious cleaning-mode lately. When this happens to me, it usually signifies changes coming. Growing up, it seemed that any time I decided to clean out my closet (literally, not figuratively), something would change in my life. Always for the positive! It’s almost as if, I have to change things physically in life to usher in other changes. So I’m running with this cleaning-mode, wondering what is to come.
Last weekend, I had my first night at home alone in a long time. And it was weird. I took my husband to bus call, came home and when I got ready to go to bed… it suddenly felt very strange. I was… kinda lost! I didn’t freak out or anything like that. It just was weird to lay in bed and know it was just me and the cats. Back in Musician’s Widow mode!
I watched the George Jones funeral… it was tempting to try to go, but in the end we decided to watch it from the comfort of home. A perk of living in Nashville, all the networks carried it live. It was an amazing tribute, and my heart ached for Nancy, his wife. I know she has the ultimate support system within the music industry, but its never the same as your spouse. I have never met her, but I wanted to hug her nonetheless. She’s an amazing woman, I am certain, and maybe some day I’ll get to shake her hand… I’d like that.
I hope everyone has a great weekend! TGIF? Or in honor of Jones… “Finally Friday!”
If cleaning out a closet, literally, ushers in a good change, then I am ALL for it! We cleaned out our closet, too. The hubby had clothes that no longer fit him because they are way too big. I had clothes that no longer fit me because they are way too small. Meh. My silver lining is that I hope to be pregnant and have a baby or two next spring, so those articles of clothing would probably never fit me in the future anyway. LOL I took a load of super nice items to a resale shop, and they accepted 75% of it! We also donated our worn but still good clothes to Arms of Hope yesterday- they were having pick up on our street, so we took advantage of it and boxed everything up, left it on the porch for them.
In addition to cleaning out the closets, I filled in our backyard flower beds. :) Felt good to dig in the dirt! Here’s to a great weekend!
I am soooo not a gardener. lol But it was fun to dig in the dirt the last couple of days and plant some flowers. I haven’t planted bulbs in a long, long, long time, so I’m curious to see if they’ll grow or not. LOL!
They may not bloom this year, but they might next year. I don’t have good luck with bulbs. A neighbor gave me his irises a few years ago- huge, beautiful blue/purple irises! I couldn’t believe they didn’t want them in their yard anymore. I gladly took them, split the bulbs (some had three bulbs on one stalk), and planted them all. Most of them came up that spring, but none of them bloomed until this year (2.5 years later). They were absolutely breathtaking!