Five on Friday: 2014 Goals Update #2

On January 1st, I listed out my goals for 2014. I thought I’d take a moment to see how I’m doing on a few of goals as of the beginning of March.  (See my February update HERE.)

1. Write a letter every month of the year.  I sent my husband a Valentine, since we spent that holiday apart.

 I love you more than...

2. Get my passport. I finally researched how much it will cost, what forms I need, and where I need to go to send off my passport request. Since I believe step one should always be to do your homework, I feel like I took a good step forward!

3. Bookkeeping. Well after two great computer crashes within a month, this got held back a bit. But I finally got my Quicken up and running and rockin’. Now I just gotta figure out my Excel situation so I can get my bill pay spreadsheet back up and running.

4. Photography. Decided I would start a Lent Photo-A-Day. Granted this started in March, but I made my plan on what I was doing. Also, I went to a concert with friends and got some great concert photos! It gave me a great opportunity to tinker with my newest camera, long lens and different lighting. I was pleased with many of the shots I got!

 Jack Ingram @ RodeoHouston

5.Get back to what I weighed at my wedding. Well, I definitely lost weight last month. But by the end of the month, I plateaued. I’ve been holding steady just above my “comfortable” weight. So you know what that means? Its time to up the exercise a bit. I’ll definitely do that this month!

Lent 2014 has begun…

Ash Wednesday

 The season of Lent has begun! And call me crazy, but I’m actually excited for it.

Usually this season gets quite lost for me. Between helping my parents with tax season, planning our Aggie Muster, and then other every-day responsibilities… Lent just becomes one thing too many. A couple years ago, I just flat out said I wasn’t giving anything up for Lent. And I’ve often said I’ll do something, and then I don’t even do it on day one.

But this year… this year is different. This year, I’ve made myself a really easy but difficult Lenten promise.

To just do better in general.

Stop finding justification for things that I SHOULD do or not do. As a result my goal is to be healthier. To be more productive. To be kinder. To be more patient.  To be closer to GOD. In a round about way, I really will do everything on my ideas for Lent list… just not to a super strict going to do just one thing perfectly… but try harder on all things.

I know I’ll make my mistakes. I know I’ll fail. But failure doesn’t mean giving up. Failure means you just have to try even harder.

I can do this. I WILL do this. No excuses. No justifications. Just do better.

Oh and do a Lent-long Photo-A-Day. I’m definitely doing that, too.

What have you decided to do?