One month from today

In a month, my husband and I are making a huge step in life.

We close on a new house. Our first house. We are first-time home buyers. It’s exhilarating. It’s exciting. It’s terrifying.

But I’m so in love with my new house.


This has been, without a doubt, one of the most stressful things I’ve ever done. And am still doing! Between financial side of things and logistical, I’m pretty much exhausted 24/7. But I am learning SO MUCH. We went into this literally knowing nothing about the home buying process. But we have surrounded ourselves with kind, patient and understanding people from day one. So far, the process has been smooth and I feel wiser (and older!) from it.

This month is going to fly by… But it’s also going to drag. I want to be in the new place NOW even as I’m going, “I don’t have enough time to get it all done!”

But it will get done. And it will be amazing.