All posts by Denise

[Booksneeze] — The Waiting Place by Eileen Button

We are all waiting for something or someone. Perhaps you are reading this review while you wait for dinner to finish cooking, or while you wait for inspiration to strike. The Waiting Place by Eileen Button is series of essays written about being in “The Waiting Place” and finding God within it.

Button carries the reader through her own life, from childhood to marriage to parenthood to her own struggles as a writer. Her candor about events of her own life shines a light on God’s love and gentle hand within her life, and she makes the waiting place a time to embrace versus a place to grumble about.

I absolutely loved this book. Ironically, I found myself reaching for it while in my own waiting places. On a plane. In the car. Waiting to get sleepy. And, most recently, waiting for writing inspiration. This book spoke to me in ways I couldn’t begin to put into words. I needed this book, and perhaps this was God’s own way of stepping into my own waiting place.

This book made me cry. This book made me laugh. This book made me think. More importantly, though, it made me reflect on my own life and my own various waiting places. The ones I’ve been in… and the ones I am in right now.

I highly recommend this book to anyone and everyone. I will be reaching for it again and again myself.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the BookSneeze®.com book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

Cat sitting

260: Smokey is having a bad dayMy husband and I have a new kitten. I’ve mentioned him before in here. Like a child, he can get into things and be a hand full at times. As such, I end up locking him and our older cat out of the bedroom sometimes just to get some sleep.

This was the case this morning. I wanted an extra hour of sleep, and he wanted to play. So I booted the cats from the bedroom and closed the door.

I got up later, blurry eyed, and came out of the bedroom to find the older cat watching me from my desk chair. I pet him, and then I shoo’d him off the chair so I could sit down and check my email. I noticed my dark blue hoodie was still piled on the seat. The cats love to sleep on blankets, clothes, whatever, so I wasn’t surprised he’d been curled up on the chair.

I plopped down on the chair and… it moved. I don’t mean it rolled. The whole seat moved under me.


I never saw him sleeping on the hoodie. He blended in with it, especially with my only being half-awake. Why he didn’t scurry off with the other cat is beyond me. But boy did he squirm! He got out from under me and BOLTED.

I felt bad. I worried about having hurt him. In the end, I laughed. For about ten minutes. He got a rude awakening and, really, so did I!

Poor guy hasn’t had a good day since then, as he decided later to pass me in the hallway by going THROUGH my feet (didn’t go well for him) and his brother has been in play mode. So any time he emerges from a nap, he gets playfully tackled. That could be why, when I went to take the photo of him for this post, he got up and turned his back on me.

Oh he’s fine. No injuries except maybe some bruised pride. And I suspect he’ll not be napping in my desk chair again any time soon.