All posts by Denise

Nap time

I’ve been doing something lately that I never do.

I’ve been taking naps. And it is AWESOME.

Last week, I finally went and got strong antibiotics for a sinus infection I’d been fighting for a month, and therein lies where it all started. Just prior to getting the medicine, I would literally sleep a day away. A huge tip off that something was wrong, because… frankly… I am just not a napper. If anything I will force myself to live on a lot less sleep than I should.

I got my medicine and the instructions were to take it twice a day for 7 days, and due to the timing of when I took my first dose, I was set up to have to get up about three hours earlier than I would normally get up just to take medicine. So, I’ve been getting up earlier, having breakfast, taking my medicine and… I’m awake. No matter how fast I tried to do it before I woke up all the way, it couldn’t be helped. By the time I got it all done, I’d had enough sunlight, etc. to get my body in go-mode.

So the last few days, I’ve just stayed up and checked my email, etc. as I would normally do when I get up for the day. Putter around the house for awhile, then sleepiness would sneak back up. With the recent little heatwave, its worked out nicely. I go crawl back into bed and take a nap through some of the hottest part of the day, and then I get up just as its getting close to time to be able to go outside and get some exercise. It’s a total win!

Now, I don’t anticipate this being a steady thing. I mean, I do have to run some errands in the next few days right when I’ve been taking my little power naps, so its not like this is my new regular schedule. BUT I suddenly see the benefits of napping. I used to say if I took a nap my whole day would be wasted.

Just the opposite. I end up feeling like a million bucks after a naps! And I end up more focused and relaxed about the day. And as a result, I get more done in an hour than I would have done had I stayed up and tried to do it over the course of a few hours.

Naps are a good thing. Babies have it figured out. Cats have it figured out! I’m going to follow their lead a lot more and get more Zzz’s when I need them.


I’ll be honest. I’ve been putting off writing this blog, because I have felt there is no way I could possibly put into words what I want to say.

Happy Mother’s Day, Mom!!

First off, I am amazingly hit-or-miss on getting things in the mail on time. Sometimes, I rock. Other times… well… let’s just say, Mom’s Mother’s Day card is still sitting here beside me. Somewhere in my brain, I had another week to get it in the mail. But alas, no. Here we are, and here it sits.

My mom? She rocks. Yup. She does. I am truly blessed, and I am truly thankful.

My mom is… well… Mom. I turn to her for advice. I turn to her for help when I am sick. I turn to her to tell me when I’m screwing up and need a good talking to. I turn to her to teach me things. I turn to her for comfort. I turn to her for her faith in me… it helps build my own faith in myself.

My mom is my friend. I WANT to call her every day and chat about the day. We laugh and girl talk regularly. I enjoy girl’s days/nights out with her.  I love to go shopping with her. I even turn to her when maybe my husband made me a little mad, and I need a friend to vent to about it.

I pray that if I ever have a daughter myself some day, that I have the kind of relationship with her as I do with MY mom. It’s amazing.

I recently told Mom something I believe is true… “I think Mom’s prayers have a stronger pull with God’s ear.”  There’s a Miranda Lambert song on her Kerosene album. “Mama, I’m Alright”  There’s a part of it that always makes me think of my mom…

She loves me more than anything
And she wants the world for me

Her west dropped of in El Paso
And her north in Abilene
Hey Mama I’m okay out here
I’ve seen how hard the world can be
My step is sure and I know my name
I’m strong just like you prayed I’d be
I’m strong just like you prayed I’d be
I felt it every time you prayed for me

I love you, Mom! I would not be half the woman I am today if not for you and Daddy, and I am forever grateful for you both. I am incredibly blessed with the best parents in the world. THANK YOU just doesn’t seem adequate. Happy Mother’s Day… I do wish I were there with you today.

I am in my heart…