I’ve been flirting with a sinus infection for almost a week now. Not unusual for me in May and October. My evil months of the year for health. I think I successfully kept the infection away, but…
This is the first time in a long time that my voice has completely exited. I can barely whisper… occassionally a little sound comes out. But on a whole, no voice. Atleast my throat doesn’t HURT. It just won’t emit sound!
Thank heavens for text messaging, instant messaging, Twitter and notepads! Otherwise, I’d be cut off from all communications. That would pretty much drive me crazy. Especially since my husband is in Oklahoma today, and I have a friend from back home visiting! This is not a good time to have no voice!

I guess I should be grateful I have a few days before I work downtown again. Perhaps that would be a worse time. Pretty hard to ask what someone wants on their hot dog when there’s no voice. I suppose I could just point at the menu and list of toppings. That might work, assuming they aren’t seeing double by that time.
I digress. Since I am all about adding pictures to my blog entries, I’ll put a picture here of me and Lindsey from Wednesday night. A picture is worth a thousand words, they say. I wonder if that counts double when there is no voice to say those words.
Anyway, Lindsey is my oldest friend with a history there that can never, ever, ever be denied or beaten. Known her since we were both 5! So 23 years of friendship. That’s rare to find these days. And reminiscing has been a BLAST! Not going to be ready to see her leave tomorrow morning.
Here’s to hoping my voice reappears this afternoon so we can continue to visit… maybe a trip to the mall will help. Maybe.
Do they sell voices at the mall?